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need some Christmas gift ideas...

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I have 3 kids...dd12, ds10 and ds8.


I, personally, need some cool ideas (so I am open to those)...but more importantly I need some ideas for my parents to give the kids. They have so many grandkids and are on a very limited budget that they can only spend about $15 per kid. They like to have a neat gift that gives a "wow" factor...but that is so hard for $15. Ideas???


dd12: crafty, likes books


ds10: all boy...loves sports and playing outside


ds8: science kid

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12 yo- Klutz books, a bag of craft supplies from Hobby Lobby or Michaels, a classic novel (hardback).

10 yo- a favorite team Jersey, nerf gun, sports gear for whatever sport he plays.

8 yo- Science kit from Rainbow Resource, Hobby Lobby, or check Target or Toys r Us. Or The Dangerous Book for Boys, (this could go for either boy). A catupult kit.

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