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I LOVE Christmas shopping (when I have the budget to do it) - there's something so satisfying about finding that PERFECT gift for each person. It makes my heart smile!


I just sent out the kids Christmas lists to my two SIL's and MIL (they requested) this morning, but I haven't done much for shopping. I don't know yet what our budget will look like and want to make sure that whatever we CAN afford is the best/most perfect thing I can get :)

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I've been faithfully siphoning from the grocery budget to get my husband a surprise Christmas gift. I don't feel it's special if I give him something then hand him the bill for it. Needless to say, I'm brimming over with excitement. He will be SO surprised.

Glad I could finally tell someone or it might have leaked I'm so excited.

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Nope, I'm almost done! Last year, I was able to get all of our shopping, except for our sponsored child, done before Advent began. It was so nice to be able to just focus on preparing for the Nativity and not have to worry about getting anything else. I hope to have it all done soon.

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I have started as well:) I have two children with birthdays in September and as soon as those are over I start thinking about Christmas. My mom always told me that she started her Christmas shopping when she shopped for my brother's October birthday and I always thought she was crazy, but now I do the same thing. Once December is here I love to window shop, just to see the decorations, but I hate having a long list yet to buy. I want to take that month to enjoy spending time with family and friends, going to parties, making cookies etc.

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I set a goal of being done by Thanksgiving.

I usually make that goal, but my DH helps. A lot.

I have a notebook/folder thingy I dig out every year. I make up my lists,

and I can keep coupons, receipts etc. in the pocket side.


I have to start early. We have 6 grandkids, and 5 of them have fall birthdays, plus both of my DDs and both of my DILS have either October or December birthdays. Keeps me busy sewing and shopping all fall.

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No, never too early. I usually shop throughout the year as I see things on sale or as we have the money. I am about half way done with my shopping, and I know what I am getting for the other half. Just need the money. ;)


I hate waiting until the last minute, I like to enjoy the weeks leading up to Christmas instead of stressing out.

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I've got my list for the holidays, I've gone through the new stored toys we have to figure out what we have for this holiday season, DH and I have bought about 1/3rd of the items on my list, and I'm planning on buying a few more things this week. I find it much easier to buy a bit at a time, rather then a huge rush at the end.

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Well, I think it's actually very impressive. I always plan to get organised early, but end up rushing around at the last moment, then spending most of Christmas feeling ill and exhausted. So far this year I'm doing quite well, but only because we have a couple of big parties planned over Christmas week, with a number of guests staying, so if I don't do as much as I can now I'll resemble the walking dead by the time our parties take place.

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that I've already begun my Christmas list, AND started to shop?!


I like for it to be done early. Key word "like" :tongue_smilie:


I have a good part of my Christmas shopping done and pretty much know what the rest will be. I used to like to have it all done by the middle of Oct. but it seems that never happens any more.:glare:

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