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What to get 13yo ds for Christmas?

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The other kids' wishlists are made and helpful. All 13yo ds wants is a laptop which is not only out of our price range for gifts, but we are not really comfortable with kids having Internet access except on the computer in the main living space. Yes, I know there are various monitoring programs available, but it is still not what we want to get him.


So, what are you getting you boys in this age range?

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Thirteen was hard. What is he in to? Is he in scouts or sports? Camping gear, sports equipment, nerf gun or air soft guns, pocket knife, multi-tool, i-tunes cards, Mp3 if he doesn't have one, headphones (Skull Candy are awesome, but expensive). Portable dvd player and some movies, books, ....

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Seasons pass to something (ski lift tickets, pool pass, whatever he and his friends like)

Movie tickets (and $$ for snacks while there)

I-tunes cards

Starbucks cards

Kindle or Nook type thing and $$ to load stuff on it (this will probably have internet access so keep that in mind)


*I have a kid who likes to go hang out at places with his swim team friends but doesn't like to use 'his' money. So $5 or $10 gift cards to places make great gifts.


My kid also gets pedicure gift cards, he has horrible 'pool foot' from swim team and monthly pedicures are a must. We live in the desert and he swims outside all year long. GROSS :D

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DS13 and DS11 have agreed that they'll share an xbox this year. They both need new tennis rackets, so I'll probably get them these too.


Among last year's favourite presents was a pen knife and the 'Make Electronics' book along with electronic supplies.


Both DS13 and DS11 have MacBook Pros and DS8 has an iPad, while DS5 has pretty much unlimited access to our main family PC. We keep an eye on them and have installed parental controls. The time they have available for just messing about on computers is limited as they have so many other things they enjoy doing and lots of outside activities. So far we've had no problems. If you decided that a laptop was a possibility maybe you could offer him a certain amount of money for Xmas to which he could add any gift money from other relatives, from his pocket money or money from a part time job?

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Keep in mind that my kid is odd. That said, he was 13 at Christmas last year and got:


- books, several of them. There were new installments of a few of his favorite series, which made that part easy.

- a subscription to Make magazine.

- a symbolic frog adoption from World Wildlife Fund.

- a game.

- a "gentlemen's package" as his big gift. We bought at briefcase and stuffed it with a couple of pairs of cufflinks, a few ties and matching pocket squares, a package of printable business cards so he could design his own, a little book we found called How to Be a Gentlemen and a gift card for JC Penneys so he could buy a few pieces of new clothing.


He was a happy camper.

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My 13-yo-to-be shocked me by rediscovering his train roots. He's obviously no longer obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine, but after years of zero train interest, he is suddenly into model railroading. He has decided on HO gauge and will be building the intricate scene trapped in his head :D.


Dang, model trains are a LOT more expensive than I realized. I got a great deal on an Athearn set that he can add on to. I think it will be really good for his engineery side. He'll learn a lot about electronics and thinking spatially. It's a hobby he can continue with into adulthood--yeah we're raising a full on nerd :001_smile:.

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I have only girls, but they have all been 13yo before.


My oldest had a long list of manga and anime that she wanted for her 13yo Christmas along with an ipod and a laptop. She got the laptop at 16yo, but she did get an ipod and some of the anime and manga.


My middle had a long list of books, video games, and an itunes giftcard at that age.


My youngest wanted a banjo, 12-string guitar, mandolin, bouzouki (another instrument), a nice camera, and an itouch for Christmas last year. She got the banjo and the camera (great deal on a refurbished camera on woot). She got the itouch for her birthday. She managed to find a $35 mandolin at the Used Gear Expo and paid for that herself.

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My almost 13 yo will probably be getting an ipod touch.

He still likes his beyblades and will be getting the new round stadium

A book or two

A thinkgeek tshirt

Pokemon cards

A video game for his 3ds

and a video game to share for the wii


Keep in mind that only some of these will come from us. I make Christmas lists then divided them up for relatives who ask for ideas as well.

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My DD is 12 and she'll likely be getting expansion packs for Sims 3. She may also get an American Girl doll, but I'm not sure if your DS would like that.


My DD REALLY likes her iPod Touch because it lets her listen to her music in the car. Oooo, she got a bike for her birthday in August which she LOVES. Harry Potter Legos might be a hit, iTunes card, etc.

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Last year, as a 13 yo, DS got:

a javelin

chain mail shirt from Think Geek

compact digital camera



and I forget what else :blush:


This year, he's getting:

fencing equipment

This AWESOME Jedi bathrobe (although I got it cheaper from Amazon)


LOTR lego

CDs of Mongolian, Tuvan, and Tibetan throat singing (wierd new obsession!)

language learning programs (Turkish & Mongolian)

a bunch of Arduino and other maker stuff (DH is in charge of this one)

a couple of new Buffs (a map one and a satellite earth one) and misc. camping/hiking/biking/MAKERing bits from REI & Adafruit in his stocking



Edited by Corraleno
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