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Anyone in Phoenix? Community services question...

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Got a call from my brother in Phoenix last night. Long story about my adult nephew, but bottom line is I wondered if anyone knows of low-cost drug addiction/rehab services in the Phoenix area. My nephew needs help desperately (prescription drug use gone bad), my brother is barely eeking out a living due to other circumstances and can't afford high-cost rehab. Bro also seems paralyzed as far a taking action after a long series of other family emergencies. No med insurance, my brother is self-employed (construction).



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Does the adult nephew qualify for AZ medicaid program?? Sometimes the best way to do it is for him to go to a hospital that takes it, (when we lived there, my mom got care at Paradise Valley, and Scottsdale Shea) and go to the er, and ask for help.


My mother who is not in good health got emergency assistance, and the hospital's social worker helped with the process.


Your nephew will be in my prayers! Unfortunetly, I know your family's pain. :grouphug:

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I'm calling my brother to ask about the Medicaid and suggest both resources.


The situation breaks my heart - both because there has been so much grief elsewhere in my brother's life, and because my nephew was a pretty good kid growing up and just let himself head down a rocky road.

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