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weather in Florida...looks like it has changed...need help!!

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Starting to pack for Disney...leaving Tuesday...staying until the next Tuesday...the temps were in the 80's last week...but now have dropped to the 70's as highs...last week people were recommending me to bring mostly shorts and t-shirts...but now I am wondering if I need to change that some...what do you native Floridians recommend??? OR if you are headed that direction too, what are you packing???

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It is supposed to cool off a bit down here next week. I know the nights in some areas may reach in the 40's (especially Mon/Tues nights). If you are from the North and used to cold then 70's and sun will still heat you up and feel really warm. I would add some jeans and a light jacket/ sweatshirt that you may only need early morning/late evening. Disney's 10-day forecast has 78 high/mid-50's low for late next week.

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Florida in fall is unpredictable temperature-wise, so it might be best to dress in lightweight layers. I'd probably bring some pants in case it's chilly in the morning, but also bring your shorts or capris. Grab a sweater or light jacket to go over short sleeve shirts.


It's a pain, but Florida's worth it. ;)





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Right now I think part of why temps are dropping so much is the storm off the coast. I know it's been windy and chilly here for the last two days. I would pack the shorts and some jeans. I would also make sure you have a sweater for everyone. We are going camping this weekend (cabins) in central FL and the girls have capris, t-shirts, and sweaters.


Oh, and bring rain gear or stop at a tourist shop outside of Disney for ponchos (much cheaper). It's not really the rainy season here, but you just never know. We've had a few showers, but once again a lot of it is from the storm off the coast.

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When we do disney we pack a backpack with a change of clothes. I usually throw a few jackets and wear a pair of light pants. If you have a stroller...I would just pack your pants as well and maybe a blanket. The lows are in the low 50 this weekend through early tuesday..but it looks like it may go back up to 60-70 low after that...light jackets should be enough.

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