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my son the watch killer

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I did that in my early teens (11-19). I couldn't keep a watch battery for more than 4-6 months, sometimes less.

I stopped wearing watches at all until I was in college and I bought a very nice Gucci watch. I wonder if the quality of the watch is an issue. This watch once want through the washer and wasn't even wet, when my water "resistant" one was wet. It is a very good watch with very good sealing on the back.

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My mother is the same way. She cannot wear a battery operated watch except as a necklace. She did try one watch once that worked on her wrist, but it ran backwards! She figures it is something about her personal electrical field.


My mom, too - within a couple of months, they all inevitably stop working. She stopped wearing watches years and years ago.

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Do you watch killers also kill other things? My family member who is death to wristwatches also can't use the Wii remote; it just goes all weird and squiggly when he holds it (works fine for the rest of us, so we know it isn't the remote's fault).


I kill watches too. I can use the wii remote in the silicone jacket, but not out of it and i need to wear socks for the fit platform. I cannot put the car remote in my pocket, a watch battery costs nothing compared to those batteries! But the remote is okay in my purse.

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I kill watches, phones, computers, and sometimes find tvs, stereos, and dvd players randomly turning off and on in my presence. My youngest DD and my aunt are the same way. When DD was a baby, every time she got mad the tv, dvd player, and stereo would turn on or off (they were connected). My DH is a tech geek and used to think my magical electronic killing powers were impossible and that I had to be doing something wrong or different but now he believes. I think it has something to do with whatever electrical signals our bodies give out.

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I used to kill watches quickly, back in the days of wind-up watches. They would run in perfect time all night on the night stand, but would be off by 15-20 minutes by the end of the day while I wore them. After a month or two, both cheap and expensive watches would just stop working. When quartz batteries for watches became the norm, I was able to wear watches again with no trouble.


Are you replacing your ds's entire watch or just the battery? My dc have had quartz watch batteries die quickly, usually because the watches had been running on the shelf for too long.

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I can't wear battery powered watches - I also can't use the wii remote without its jacket on. I kill computer mice and car seat belts too - but I think that's more the funny angles I use them on. My dad kills watch batteries too, but a little slower than I do. I remember having terrible trouble with a magnetic compass as a kid too - it would work if I put it down on something, but if I held it it didn't make sense.

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One of my dearest friends is a watch killer, and she makes them run backwards. Back in the day her old boy friend bought her a watch that was human-powered. Kinda like how a pedometer counts your steps by your body movement? What I remember is that the swinging of her arm powered it. The watch was very expensive, and she loved it.


The punch line? It started running backwards.

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My grandma is like that. She can only wear a wind-up watch.


Can you even find those anymore?


Maybe in Switzerland?


All my watches as a kid was wind up. I can't remember to change watch batteries so wind up was easier.

My grandma has a Omega that is batteryless. The watch hand moves as long as I wear it.

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