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I need a favor...

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I wasn't on the boards much last week, due to company, etc., which prompted this thread: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?p=389117#post389117 .


Melissa (Mom2LegoManiacs) then emailed me. *After* I'd checked my email that morning.


She gave me about 3 seconds to reply (I didn't check it again until lunch time, lol), & then she googled my phone number and CALLED me!!!!


She went to a lot of effort to make sure everything was ok, & she was a lot of fun to talk to, too. I'm just amazed at her kindness & concern. A little surprised at how easy my info was to find, but touched, kwim?


Anyway, I thought the least I could do was give her some rep for all the love, but alas, it says I have loved her already. I have to "spread it around." Would one of y'all consider this rep-worthy? Because if you do, now you know, & you are empowered! Please. Go rep M2LM for me!!



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Tomorrow she'll show up at your door with a pick up truck full of meat! :lol:












Alas, we've had our fling too recently M2LM and I...so I'll have to call on her another time. Melissa, I'm glad you checked up on "our" Aubrey.

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You all are very sweet. I hadn't intended to tell anyone I was in stalker mode. :tongue_smilie: That was my little secret. I get impatient and need to find things out sometimes. Sigh, my poor dh (and anyone else one that crosses my path). I am just glad you are okay, Aubrey!



I missed that thread somehow. I could have saved you from "stalking" ;), I have Aubrey's phone number around here somewhere.... But it was really nice of you to check up on her.


Didn't anyone tell you, Aubrey, that you can't disappear for days at a time when you're 37 weeks pregnant?!?! It's just not right!

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M2LM--Wow, you've really been getting around, Hon! I've had too recent a fling with you to give you anymore rep right now as well!


Aubrey, glad you're doing well! Keep us updated, and let someone know when the real time comes, so we don't all get worried about you and start all stalking you!:001_huh::tongue_smilie::001_smile:



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