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Dd needs help on an assignment....ASAP...


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My daughter has a sociology assignment due today.


Basically the paper is about doing something without realzing it and someone says something to you about it. You now have an outsiders perspective about it and you change your behavior because of it. She needs to write about multiple examples. Here are a few ideas:


chewing/talking with your mouth open

biting your fingernails

saying "um" when you are talking

cracking/pulling your knuckles


She needs more examples. I'm at a loss now. :001_huh:

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Over salting food.

Leaving the car radio loud after a noisy road has ended, person gets in the car and notices.

Being bossy or abrasive.

Speaking in jargon.

Buying certain brands for no reason.

Scratching private itches, picking nose, ears... etc.

Offering something to someone that they say 'no' to, but not realizing that they always say 'no' and not recognizing that there is probably a reason.

Subtle pre-judgements of people based on ethnicity or other physial or vocal charcteristics.

Not recognizing change in someone you know well, treating them like they 'used to be' untill called on it.

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Thank you all so much for these ideas. Wow....I thought maybe we'd get just a few...but this was a lot! I don't know which ones she chose to write about, but she got the required amount, finished her paper, and has now zoomed off to class. Thanks again for the help....you guys always come through!! :cheers2:

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