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Prayers Pls (Job, Housing...)

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Wolf has an interview back in our old city on Tues afternoon.


I'm looking at the rental rates, and just about throwing up. When we lived there, we'd been in the same place for 5 yrs, and our rent was below, waaaaay below, what things are renting for now.


From what I'm seeing, it's going to suck up every last penny of my income just for the rent. :001_huh::glare: So Wolf needs to be able to cover everything else. I literally won't be able to contribute *anything*.


I'm honestly stunned and sickened by the rent. A mortgage carries for less than what places are charging, but there's no way we can buy right now, w/him being out of work. No mortgage co would touch us.


Add in that we have pets, and our options are limited.


I wanna throw up.

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This is really stressing me out.


I just don't know what to even hope for at this point. Moving back to the old city has benefits...My specialist is there, our old gp is there...


But, it's 5 hrs away, which means we'll have to figure out a short term solution for Wolf to start work before the rest of us move.


If he finds a job in the nearer city (1.5 hr ea way) my best friend's brother lives there, and is willing to let Wolf couch surf until we can move.


But, the better paying jobs seem to be in our old city, and either city has our current rent *doubling*, so we really need his income to be able to handle that, or cover all our living expenses/bills while mine covers the rent.


I'm fighting not to cry. This just seems so daunting, overwhelming, impossible.

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Oh, Imp. Breathe. Just breathe. It's going to work out regardless of whether you stress about it.

My dh was laid off for 16 months. We gained more than we lost during that time. The most important lesson I took from it was not to worry. I can't tell you how I did it. I think I was just so overwhelmed with things to worry about, I couldn't keep up, so I just stopped worrying about all of it.

I know it's easier said than done. You're a planner like I am and don't like to have the unknown ahead of you. I wouldn't have believed it was possible as a declared "worrier" to let it go. But if I can do it, anyone can. Before dh's layoff I could have medalled if worrying had been an Olympic sport. Seriously.

Hang in there. Good thoughts for a great job for Wolf. Take good care.

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Thanks everyone.


I just truly don't know at this point.


Kalah, he has no unemployment coming in b/c of how the other job ended...so if he doesn't find something quickly, we're seriously in trouble.


Despite not actually being enough to *support* us, the income I get from WCB is deemed too much for us to qualify for help of any kind.

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I am definitely praying for you! We just went through this ourselves. Dh has been in grad school the last 5 years and just got (what we thought was) a great paying job in a relatively low COL city. Then we tried to find an apartment. Ugh. Apparently, we went from a below the poverty line income in the highest COL city in the state with amazingly low rent to a low COL city with sky-high rent (and very few places that would take our 15lb dog) that takes 1/3 of my dh's new, "high" salary. :001_huh:


On the plus side, he had to live here a month before we moved here and children of friends (who we did not know well) offered dh their guest room for the month. We have a place to live that is safe. I was looking for a volunteer opportunity locally so I could get to know some people here, and God provided a part-time *paying* job at the local library (it doesn't even cover our rent, but it eases the burden a bit). Miracles can happen!


I'll be praying for you!

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