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Feeling poorer/political conversations in your life

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I've found that we can have discussions about issues we tend to agree about... like too much money/lobbyist influence in Congress, special interests, etc.


We've also talked about the electoral college and the whole electoral process before .... as to why did we change the most votes guy/gal gets to be President, second most VP, etc. I think that might change some of the partisanship--as both parties would want the administration to succeed.


What makes things hard is that in some discussions, people get their facts from different sources which makes discussing things difficult.


I find myself wondering if quotas on women in Congress might be the way to go. I honestly find it disturbing that we rate something like 70th in countries in terms of women's representation. If States were required to have at least one female senator, and half of their reps be women... would things be different? I'd like to think so.

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I find myself wondering if quotas on women in Congress might be the way to go. I honestly find it disturbing that we rate something like 70th in countries in terms of women's representation. If States were required to have at least one female senator, and half of their reps be women... would things be different? I'd like to think so.


I doubt it. There's a way the game is played, and the game continues regardless of the participants genders.



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how the Jewish culture can sustain a lot of argument and still remain cohesive--which is something we should learn.

Helps when one's membership in a group is by blood. ;)


I find myself wondering if quotas on women in Congress might be the way to go. I honestly find it disturbing that we rate something like 70th in countries in terms of women's representation. If States were required to have at least one female senator, and half of their reps be women... would things be different? I'd like to think so.

It is interesting that when the US has a role in setting up elections, quotas become the prefered method, but are seen as horrifying here...


NPR has been discussing/creating a fictional presidential candidate for those who like NEITHER of the two men. Here is today's installment


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