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TOG Users - Would you start 3rd grade in LG or UG


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We are switching back to TOG, and I am trying to decide whether to place my 3rd grader in LG or UG. I have currently been using Sonlight 3rd grade readers, but he is reading 2 weeks of assignments at one sitting. I've doubled the speed of their assignments, but I'm having to supplement with other things. The last two books that he read were The Chalk Box Kid and the Paint Brush Kid, to give you an idea of what he currently reads and enjoys. We are going to use Year 4. I have looked at the first few weeks of books. The LG books are ones that he would read at once and be finished for the week. I'm not sure if he would be overwhelmed with the UG level of books when we add in the history, history-in-depth, and worldview of UG. Any suggestions, insight ... ?

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I have my dd (just turned 9, 3rd grader) read the LG history core. I make available any LG and UG in depth and alternate book that I can get from library. She *could* read the UG history core (Hakim), but I think her eyes would glaze right over.


I do have her read the UG lit selections. The Year 4 UG books seem to be at a 5th-7th grade reading level. The LG books are mostly picture books, but they are at a 3rd-4th grade level.



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If it were my dd who will be a third grader next year, I would definitely keep her in LG...but that is who she is. She is a capable, but unenthusiastic reader. She loves the LG selections. The books have been delightful and we enjoy reading them together.


I have a friend who has a 3rd grader right now who is a voracious reader, and I believe he is reading UG mostly.

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I would tend to push LG over UG because of the worksheets. Last year my 3rd grader (strong reader) was able to complete the LG worksheets easily but went white at the UG worksheets. Since I was chasing 2 toddlers last year (1 and 2 yos) I didn't have a lot of time to handhold him through the worksheets, and I thought the LG did just fine with introducing the literary concepts at his level. That's me though. I've had a lot of success with this child by placing him at his writing ability rather than his reading ability.

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I only did very little of year one with my third grader who reads well. I have the classic version, but I also tried to get the books from the newer version. I tried to have both LG and UG books.


In the newer version, I didn't see a UG history book for Egypt. One of the literature UG books, was way too hard for him. But the other one was fine, though very short. I was expecting books I could give to him that he could comfortably spend an hour reading and I wasn't able to find that. We ended up switching because I couldn't get him interested in it, probably because I couldn't find anything at his exact level. We didn't make it past Egypt.


I got some of the books through unit 2 also, and didn't see anything that I could give him to read comfortably for longer than 20 minutes. I don't remember him having too much trouble when trying to do an upper grammar worksheet, though I think I modified it to his level and didn't require him to do everything.

Edited by cmac
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Thanks for all of your input! I went ahead and checked out all of the LG books for the first few weeks. I looked at some of the UG books, and I just think they would intimidate him right now. I'm thinking that I will try LG first and then add UG in occasionally and see how he does. I was thinking all LG or all UG, but I see I can just combine the two levels or switch between them. Thanks again!!

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