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Spelling issues :)


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My 2nd grader is not doing well with this area. We have done AAS 1 last year which was ok with easy CVC words, but he doesn't really apply the rules. We have been using the list from HOD and SL also and he isn't remembering these either. I'm wondering if maybe I should hold off on spelling till next year??? He will usually ask if he doesn't know how to spell something if he is writing on his own so that is good. I am just really bad at spelling and don't want him to end up in my boat :glare:

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Are you saying he isn't applying the rules when he is doing AAS, or when he writing outside of AAS. 2nd grade really is too young to expect him to apply those rules when he is doing other writing. But if he cannot spell the words when he is doing AAS, then that is something to be concerned about. I use SWR, which I understand is similar to AAS, and there, it is recommended that you increase the dc's exposure to the language. We are doing 40 words per week.

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My 3rd grader still isn't the best speller on the planet, so I know what you mean. I let her write however she wants to, then afterwards we go over her writing together and look at the misspelled words. I remind her of the spelling rules and we change the words together. At other times, I just spell the words for her, because the writing assignment is more important than getting the spelling right. She has improved greatly over the last year. It's slow going, but I can honestly say it's getting better. We did Phonics Road 1 & 2 and we're using Spelling Workout these days.

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Thank you for your suggestions. I guess his problem seems more like writing it down. I got out our letter tiles today and he was able to spell with those, but if I had him write it then he would mess some up. I think when I am able I might try to get level 2 of AAS and see if that helps some. Thanks :)

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Thank you for your suggestions. I guess his problem seems more like writing it down. I got out our letter tiles today and he was able to spell with those, but if I had him write it then he would mess some up. I think when I am able I might try to get level 2 of AAS and see if that helps some. Thanks :)


If the trouble is in the writing, then you should spend some time doing written phonogram quizzes. He knows how the letters look, but his muscles are not trained to form them as automatically as he needs to write whole words. I would spend just 2 minutes each day quizzing half a dozen phonograms. Once he can write the phonograms, then he can start doing his spelling words on paper (though you might opt for a white board for a while).

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