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Why can't my MIL just keep her trap shut?

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My MIL starts all conversations with a very caustic "Well, I hate to tell ya'...." while she proceeded to LOVE to tell me exactly what she thinks. :glare:


We haven't visited in 3 years. I am thinking another 3 won't be a problem.

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I am just glad that we aren't in the same state right now and I have calmed down some. I did good not saying anything to dh last night. Is attitude is just ignore her like he does. Yeah right.


It is bad that I get upset at some of the stuff that she says to him over the phone. I was in the same room and I could hear her while they were on the phone. We are moving into a multiple room condo tonight instead of a hotel, so I will be able to be in a different room when they have their phone conversations.

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Oh yes, she will ramble to me all day long but what really gets me is the stuff she says to dh in their phone calls.


I just found out she hates our sons name :) "It doesn't fit him. It's too old for him. He's not a _____."


We named ds after my dad. :glare: I was livid.


I'm sorry OP, that you are having a hard time. Unfortunately, Im sure you will find many here that can relate!

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I was very happy when MIL moved two large states away.


I was even happier when she moved across the country. 3,000 glorious miles away. Although she left me to care for my BIL which is proving to be not fun (not like I thought it would be fun to begin with.)


She called yesterday to check on my son who has the 2 broken arms. Twice. I texted dh to call his mom. I'm not talking to her. My filter is broken right now. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug:Mean-in-laws :tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie::tongue_smilie:.


Too bad you can't smack them with a rolled up newspaper when they say something stupid. jk...

*whack* Bad MIL! *whack* BAD!


Oh man, that would be several shades of awesomeness :lol:

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*whack* Bad MIL! *whack* BAD!


Oh man, that would be several shades of awesomeness :lol:


I think we should all just start shaking cans of pennies at them when they start. In fact, I may start carrying one in my purse, and shake it at anyone who starts getting surly.

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Sn:lol:rt! How about a squirt bottle with water and a bit of stinky vinegar.




*whack* Bad MIL! *whack* BAD!


Oh man, that would be several shades of awesomeness :lol:


I think we should all just start shaking cans of pennies at them when they start. In fact, I may start carrying one in my purse, and shake it at anyone who starts getting surly.
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I don't get on the phone with mine!

I do, as a rarity. She doesn't know what to do when I talk on the phone w/her, so I bluntly demand answers to things she's tried to pull on Wolf.


She's so wrapped up in her breathy, little girl, eagerness to get attention from me that I can usually get the truth out of her, or at the least, catch her telling different tales, so we know she's been less than truthful w/him.


B/c I rarely speak to her, for some reason she listens to what I say more than what Wolf says...even when it's the exact same thing. Honestly, that's always been the case...she discounts anything he says, b/c he can't possibly know what he's talking about.


For *my* mental health, I refuse to talk to her more than 1x a mth, less if I can get away w/it.


I talked to her this past wknd to deal w/her going to the drs, demand that she mention her memory issues, etc, b/c when Wolf tried, she brushed him off.

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Sn:lol:rt! How about a squirt bottle with water and a bit of stinky vinegar.


Oh, my, yes. Yesyesyes. I actually lucked out in the MIL department, but I do have another family member who definitely needs a vinegar spray.


Her: "Oh, your hair! You need to--"

Me: Squirt!


Her: "Don't you think socializ--"

Me: Squirt!


Her: "You have to vote this way because--"

Me: Squirt! Squirt!


And if that doesn't work, I'm considering a shock collar. I'm pretty sure the rest of the family will back me up on this.

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Sorry op for the hijack.


Too funny:lol:.


Oh, my, yes. Yesyesyes. I actually lucked out in the MIL department, but I do have another family member who definitely needs a vinegar spray.


Her: "Oh, your hair! You need to--"

Me: Squirt!


Her: "Don't you think socializ--"

Me: Squirt!


Her: "You have to vote this way because--"

Me: Squirt! Squirt!


And if that doesn't work, I'm considering a shock collar. I'm pretty sure the rest of the family will back me up on this.

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Oh, my, yes. Yesyesyes. I actually lucked out in the MIL department, but I do have another family member who definitely needs a vinegar spray.


Her: "Oh, your hair! You need to--"

Me: Squirt!


Her: "Don't you think socializ--"

Me: Squirt!


Her: "You have to vote this way because--"

Me: Squirt! Squirt!


And if that doesn't work, I'm considering a shock collar. I'm pretty sure the rest of the family will back me up on this.


Only problem w/the shock collar is it requires considerable cooperation on the part of the shockee.


That's why an airhorn can be a beautiful thing. :D

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I don't talk to mine often and it's good that she is 1000 miles away most times. I've gotten to where I won't leave my kids alone in a room with her because 2 summers ago she told my son who was having a bad day (missing his dog that died) that he should "Just get over it already it had been a few months and she was just a dog anyway" My dh wasn't around and I was livid after son told me. I've gotten really good at saying "I'm sorry, did you really mean to say that out loud?" when she says something questionable, but I like the air horn or squirt gun idea.

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:lol::lol: This made me laugh out loud!! Still giggling!!

Now, I've never used it on anyone I *knew*, but there was a period of time that I was getting obscene phone calls and didn't have Caller ID.


Friend of mine bought me an air horn. I used it.


Calls ended. :D

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I did good not saying anything to dh last night. Is attitude is just ignore her like he does. Yeah right.



ear plugs are very helpful. dh saw me wearing a pair one day while his dm was droning on a.g.a.i.n. and promptly burst out laughing. she had no idea why. he did suggest I wear my hair down in future so the plugs are covered. they were great. I guess she was at just that frequency where i didn't hear her at all.


I've a very sweet neice who turns on raucous music when she wants mil out of the room she's in, as mil think's it's "of the devil" and won't be in the same room.

Edited by gardenmom5
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Now, I've never used it on anyone I *knew*, but there was a period of time that I was getting obscene phone calls and didn't have Caller ID.


Friend of mine bought me an air horn. I used it.


Calls ended. :D



my sil was getting them one after the other. with the last one, she answered "___ police dept, your number is being traced". never got another.

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:bigear:;):bigear: Why didn't I think of this? I'm usually forced to act as if I can't hear what she says. You're a genius!


ear plugs are very helpful. dh saw me wearing a pair one day while his dm was droning on a.g.a.i.n. and promptly burst out laughing. she had no idea why. he did suggest I wear my hair down in future so the plugs are covered. they were great. I guess he was at just that frequency where i didn't hear her at all.


I've a very sweet neice who turns on raucous music when she wants mil out of the room she's in, as mil think's it's "of the devil" and won't be in the same room.

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My MIL knows everything about EVERYTHING. Im so glad that I have her there to cut me off, correct me when I'm "wrong" and explain to me why everything happens the way it does. BUT.. most of all.. I love her extremely accurate statistics.


My favorite: "Well you know 1 in 4 babies drown in the toilet."

I have 5 kids, and the closest I've come to fishing one out of the toliet is when Diva was attempting to convince Tazzie what fun a 'swirlie' would be. :glare:


A cpl of wks ago. :glare:

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I have 5 kids, and the closest I've come to fishing one out of the toliet is when Diva was attempting to convince Tazzie what fun a 'swirlie' would be. :glare:


A cpl of wks ago. :glare:




Im sure my MIL would have a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why none of your babies have drown in the toilet.. maybe its your type of toilet. Yes, you must have the wrong type of toilet.


MIL is never wrong.;)



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Im sure my MIL would have a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why none of your babies have drown in the toilet.. maybe its your type of toilet. Yes, you must have the wrong type of toilet.


MIL is never wrong.;)



The indoor kind?

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Bahahaha! It's thread is cracking me up! If it makes you feel any better, we all have family members like this, mine happens to be my brother, a complete know-it-all nitwit!


The funniest thing is thinking of all the nonsense dh must have heard growing up if he's used to it enough to not be too bothered by it. Poor guy!! Haha!!!


Good luck!

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Bahahaha! It's thread is cracking me up! If it makes you feel any better, we all have family members like this, mine happens to be my brother, a complete know-it-all nitwit!


The funniest thing is thinking of all the nonsense dh must have heard growing up if he's used to it enough to not be too bothered by it. Poor guy!! Haha!!!


Good luck!


Exactly. I find myself looking at dh and wondering, "How? How did you turn out normal?":001_huh:


Im starting to feel a smidge guilty.. I do love my MIL. She is a very caring person that treats me like the daughter she never had. She has helped us so much and would do anything to help anyone.


Its just.. well.. all of the above. Jeezy PETE. The things that come out of her mouth... :confused:

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