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All *I* want for Christmas is...

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Bird feeders to hang outside in front of the big window that my desk faces. We have butterfly plants in the front yard, and I love watching the butterflies flutter around. It occurred to me the other day that, if we added feeders, we might get birds, too.


I would also like donations in my name to organizations I support, world peace and -- much trickier -- for my family to actually get along with each other for more than 10 minutes at a time.

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a push-button bacon dispenser :D

a 10-liter Harsch fermenting crock

a dryer (new or fixed) that doesn't squeal like an angry baby piglet stuck in a tilt-a-whirl


What's on your list?



This MIGHT be a fix for your dryer:


If it's belt drive, the belt is probably what is squealing. Get dh to tighten up and loose drive parts and get some "belt dressing" from the auto parts store and spray on the belt. If this is the problem, it will cost about $3 and an hour to fix. If it's not, it won't hurt anything.

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Someone, anyone, to cut my dogs freaking nails!! Totally mellow dog turns into Cujo when you try to cut her nails.


New kitchen floor (which can't be done until said dog's nails are cut). :glare:


Dishwasher. We've never had one. I want to experience the fights that I hear other families have about getting people to load dishwasher! :confused: I feel so left out!

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Bird feeders to hang outside in front of the big window that my desk faces. We have butterfly plants in the front yard, and I love watching the butterflies flutter around. It occurred to me the other day that, if we added feeders, we might get birds, too.


I would also like donations in my name to organizations I support, world peace and -- much trickier -- for my family to actually get along with each other for more than 10 minutes at a time.


I want a bird feeder too. World peace and family cooperation would be nice too, but I'm just trying to be realistic. :)

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This MIGHT be a fix for your dryer:


If it's belt drive, the belt is probably what is squealing. Get dh to tighten up and loose drive parts and get some "belt dressing" from the auto parts store and spray on the belt. If this is the problem, it will cost about $3 and an hour to fix. If it's not, it won't hurt anything.


Thanks! I will give this to dh - we have a Fisher & Paykel, and often the fixes are fairly intuitive and inexpensive.

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All I want is a Kitchen Clean-Up Fairy.


Love to cook; hate to clean up.


ETA: and a harp. Since the boys are mostly concurrent, I have more time and I'd love to learn to play harp (I know some piano, guitar, and clarinet). But I won't get it. I know that because I mentioned it last year and my dh thought it was a weird request. But this year I'll have the boys work on him. They are much more in tune to my wishes and style than he is :glare:

Edited by CynthiaOK
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My dream Chirstmas morning:


a stocking full of kitchen gadgets such as

a microplane

a refillable oil spritzer

a couple of decent knives




a blender that actually comes apart for cleaning purposes


and, since I've been really good this year, a ukelele. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Element
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oh, lets go big:

1 - replace the dyson w the broken latch

2 - replace the tub and surrounds in both bathrooms

3 - fix falling porch steps and broken porch boards

4 - get a new (working) cd player in my car so we can listen to audiobooks

5 - replace the windows with ones that actually shut so we can

6 - get the house powerwashed.


am i forgetting anything?

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This MIGHT be a fix for your dryer:


If it's belt drive, the belt is probably what is squealing. Get dh to tighten up and loose drive parts and get some "belt dressing" from the auto parts store and spray on the belt. If this is the problem, it will cost about $3 and an hour to fix. If it's not, it won't hurt anything.


Mine did this, it was ball bearings, with new lasted about another year with 8 people in the house.

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Mine did this, it was ball bearings, with new lasted about another year with 8 people in the house.

Mine too, but it's still going strong 4 years later. The repair guy said there's nothing to be done because the housing is sealed, and to run it until it (or I) gives out.

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Oh fun!


A nativity for the yard (I saw one last year with everyone bowing to Jesus and blubbered so much I had to run to the bathroom and couldn't fix myself)


A new vacuum. (I have hard floors and mine won't pick up a piece of catfood, I have to use the broom for that?)


Christian Books, HOD Preparing, Sonlight's church history


an MP3 player


A membership to Curves or a tanning bed


My niece (who is shunning all of us, prayers please)

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All I want is a Kitchen Clean-Up Fairy.


Love to cook; hate to clean up.


ETA: and a harp. Since the boys are mostly concurrent, I have more time and I'd love to learn to play harp (I know some piano, guitar, and clarinet). But I won't get it. I know that because I mentioned it last year and my dh thought it was a weird request. But this year I'll have the boys work on him. They are much more in tune to my wishes and style than he is :glare:


Ooooo, ooooo, oooo!! I eventually got my harp (a lovely Ravenna 34 from Dusty Strings) for my 40th birthday. It's so wonderful. You just can't play the harp ugly - it's always beautiful! Another "selling" point is that playing (and listening to) the harp is very theraputic and calming, which is what every homeschooling mom needs to remain sane (mostly).

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Fun question!


I'd love some new Fiestaware pieces, walking/running shoes, another pair of cowboy boots (I'm hooked - now I want a pair of Fatbaby boots), purse, Kindle books gift card, Kindle Fire or other small tablet, workout clothes, another pair of TOMS. I don't know what our budget for Christmas is going to be yet, so I don't know how realistic most of those are.



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Wow, I have a wish list that is miles long, but most of it isn't something I'll likely get. It's either fantasy stuff like huge, expensive trips or it's things that we don't really have to spend the money on (like new dishes, but mine are ok...ugly but ok LOL) If I were seriously writing a list:


1. Some books from my series. Several books from the various series, really...


2. New bedding. This should really be #1, because I'd like books better but we NEED new bedding :glare:


3. A new purse. I love the way my Sak *looks*, I hate the way it handles. It really is a sack, a huge bottomless pit and what I want is ALWAYS on bottom...

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Ooooo, ooooo, oooo!! I eventually got my harp (a lovely Ravenna 34 from Dusty Strings) for my 40th birthday. It's so wonderful. You just can't play the harp ugly - it's always beautiful! Another "selling" point is that playing (and listening to) the harp is very theraputic and calming, which is what every homeschooling mom needs to remain sane (mostly).


Yay! I just noticed that the Dusty Strings shop is located 2.5 miles from the hotel in Seattle we will be staying at later this month. I think we will venture to the shop and see what happens ;)

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I have a big list this year:

Excalibur dehydrator



The Complete Guide to Drying Foods at Home

Putting Food By

Ball Complete book of Home Preserving 2-3 gallon crock or large barrel jar for making sauerkraut in.

A new crockpot, but I will probably end up buying a larger one before Christmas.


The bottom stuff will go on my list to my inlaws.

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Yay! I just noticed that the Dusty Strings shop is located 2.5 miles from the hotel in Seattle we will be staying at later this month. I think we will venture to the shop and see what happens ;)


I'm so jealous! Those folks were so helpful when we were looking into their instruments - a visit to their shop would be a present in itself. Have fun!!

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~Everyone to understand that there are two celebrations called Christmas happening on the same day and neither detract from the other unless you want it to.


~To find a solution for everyone who hates Christmas so they don't have to.




What I'm probably getting:

My brother's spare USB thingi for playing audiobooks in the car

A Jung plastic action figure

A trailer load of horse manure

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