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Looking for a k12 Math+ Blue (kindergarten) Lesson guide


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Does anyone have the isbn# for the book? maybe that would help me out. I have the activity book and the materials that go with it. if i was to buy the lesson guide from k12 i would have to buy the complete pack for $58 and ive already spent $200 on everything that i have so far.

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Does anyone have the isbn# for the book? maybe that would help me out. I have the activity book and the materials that go with it. if i was to buy the lesson guide from k12 i would have to buy the complete pack for $58 and ive already spent $200 on everything that i have so far.



You seriously do not need the lesson guide for K12 kindergarten:) I don't think we cracked it open once.

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Does anyone have the isbn# for the book? maybe that would help me out. I have the activity book and the materials that go with it. if i was to buy the lesson guide from k12 i would have to buy the complete pack for $58 and ive already spent $200 on everything that i have so far.



Just a thought but have you considered just enrolling in a K12 VA? Many school dist's also use the K12 program for their independent study program even if the state doesn't run a K12 VA. Much of the K12 stuff is online and just having the books isn't enough. Half the math is online, all of science and history is online. The only thing off line is about half the Lang Arts stuff.

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i did k12 with my son for k and 1st. and now hes in a public school. the only problem is he seems to be behind in school so i just wanted a refresher course in all the basics. i only need the math portion. i loved the lesson guide for math. and since the assesments are in the book i could easily copy them down on paper and have him do it that way. i always hated the online math portion. the independent study requires a monthly fee. one that i do not feel like paying for.

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it was my fault i was so sick (still dont have any answers what is wrong and hes now in 2nd grade) trying to teach him his kindy year and we fell behind in first grade for the same reason. so i put him in public school the last month of 1st grade. its not his fault. and ive been feeling better then i have n years so i thought id give it another go just to help him out. They gave me a math book for 1st grade but as i started doing work with him last night i realized he needs more work then first grade. Mainly on following simple directions. i think thats where it gets him mostly

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