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Anonymous gift: creepy or overreacting?

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Dh thinks I'm overreacting. May I have some Hive wisdom/perspective, please?


A small/medium painting showed up at our door this afternoon/evening. To my knowledge no one knocked or rang the doorbell. Dh discovered it when he came home. There is no note, it wasn't wrapped, just an uncovered canvas painting.


It is nice looking, obviously made by an adult, signed with a name I don't know and dated 2010. It is a painting of a spaceship in space, which would go with the theme we have in the boys' bedroom. But no one we know who knows that's the theme in the boys' bedroom would leave it anonymously.


Dh thinks it's just a nice gift from someone trying to do a nice thing without taking credit. He thought that maybe someone walking by our house could tell the theme by looking in the window (2nd floor with a Japanese maple in front of the window.) I went outside and I couldn't see anything. He thinks it could be a complete coincidence that the painting matches the boys' room (which is possible as it's a pretty common boy's room theme.)


But there's a little paranoid voice in me that's afraid someone tracked me down off the internet after seeing my post about our planets wall stickers. :leaving: I thought I had been really careful, but this has freaked me out a little bit.


Am I being silly? :001_unsure:

Update: Thank you, everyone, for replying. I am going to put freaking out on hold until I've talked with people at our church.

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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I would guess that someone wants to give you the art work, without worrying about you feeling obliged to display it.



I used to draw but I hated giving people my art because so many people feel guilty if they don't love it enough to display it, if they want to take it down later, or if they were going a different direction with a theme than I thought they were going.


Giving it anonymously, relieves the artist of that guilt. I would bet it is someone that you or your children know, and they just wanted to give you a little 'guilt free' art work.

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Did you post something about it on facebook where a lot of irl friends would have seen it?


Maybe that is what happened. And they left it by the door when no one was home? Most likely done so to avoid the obligation IF the person hated the artwork. Happens all of the time with homemade gifts like knitted/crocheted items, etc. I recall one gal giving away homemade scented bath salts at a homeschool get-together (it was a door prize) and the ladies treated it like it was tawdry or gauche to be given a homemade gift. I felt bad for the lady and swapped prizes to made it seem like someone appreciated her hard work. Maybe they were embarrassed by possible rejection??

Edited by tex-mex
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No note in the bushes, although I did find someone's trash. :glare:


I asked my next door neighbor but she didn't think it was for her. Our apartments are confusing, I was thinking about putting a sign on my door asking if someone else was expecting it.


It was signed with a name on the back (I'm assuming it's the artist's) and I don't recognize it.


The only thing I can think of is maybe someone in our church did it finding our address from the directory.

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No note in the bushes, although I did find someone's trash. :glare:


I asked my next door neighbor but she didn't think it was for her. Our apartments are confusing, I was thinking about putting a sign on my door asking if someone else was expecting it.


It was signed with a name on the back (I'm assuming it's the artist's) and I don't recognize it.


The only thing I can think of is maybe someone in our church did it finding our address from the directory.

Or they bought it at a local craft fair and thought it would be a nice gift?

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Well, here in Utah it wouldn't be weird at all. People leave stuff on our doorstep at least twice a week...anonymously. On Sunday it was a pumpkin and some corn shocks, and tonight it was yummy Halloween cupcakes with a note that said, "A treat for your Family Night". So my vote is for "not weird". :D

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I would think it was either dropped off at the wrong house or someone did not knock for fear of disturbing you when they dropped by unannounced. I do not usually have paper with me to write a note, so I would probably email you later to see if you got it. I would not know what creepy thing someone would be up to by dropping off art, but I suppose strange things happen everyday.

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Ack! I just Googled myself and found my name and address and phone number and a MAP with my address on a website! (Free People Search/White Pages.) :willy_nilly::banghead: And I had just today re-checked my security settings on Facebook.


You can basically find this info on anyone now, though...

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I would be calling every single person I knew to try to figure out who dropped it off. (So yes, I would be very creeped out.)


Can you locate the artist online? Maybe he or she would know who had purchased the painting.


I searched the artist's name but there was no one listed locally.


I called my in-laws and I called my best friend, and it wasn't them. Other than people at church, I don't know anyone else irl in the area. I posted a question about it on Facebook.

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You can basically find this info on anyone now, though...


And it probably was available before the internet, too. I guess we're just more sensitive about it now.


I'm going to see if I can make a quick announcement at church (it's a small church) on Sunday. I don't use our first names on my blog, although if you searched my posts on here you could probably find it. Agh. I really hate the idea that I could be ruining the plan of someone trying to do something nice. :(

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And it probably was available before the internet, too. I guess we're just more sensitive about it now.


I'm going to see if I can make a quick announcement at church (it's a small church) on Sunday. I don't use our first names on my blog, although if you searched my posts on here you could probably find it. Agh. I really hate the idea that I could be ruining the plan of someone trying to do something nice. :(


I would let it go and just enjoy the gift. :001_smile: You may never know who dropped it off.

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Two Christmases ago we were visiting my dd's house. We opened the back door and saw one of those children's basketball hoops. It was not brand new but was in good shape. Til this day everyone in the family swears that they had nothing to do with it. We asked all the neighbors as well and none of them knew anything about it either. The weird thing is that it was the back door. Anyhow, she still has it to this day and we still have no idea where it came from. We put it out front by the big one just in case anyone had any question about it but no one ever did.

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And it probably was available before the internet, too. I guess we're just more sensitive about it now.


I'm going to see if I can make a quick announcement at church (it's a small church) on Sunday. I don't use our first names on my blog, although if you searched my posts on here you could probably find it. Agh. I really hate the idea that I could be ruining the plan of someone trying to do something nice. :(


Search it to make sure a camera or recording device is not attached or embedded.

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I still don't know who my secret admirer was who sent me a dozen roses for Valentine's Day in 1995~ish. It was a nice gesture, but they aren't cheap! You'd think someone would have wanted to take the credit for them, eventually...and it did kind of creep me out for awhile that nobody ever did. To this day that person remains a secret - and probably no longer an admirer. :001_smile:

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Guest submarines

Is your DH into practical jokes?


Could it be that he has a friend who paints or used to paint but is embarrassed by it?


Does your DH have any secret hobies, like painting?



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Gosh, that is odd. Honestly though, I'd be more likely to think a friend picked it up and dropped it off as a surprise than to suspect a weirdo of stalking you.


:iagree:It is definitely something one of my friend's would do. Maybe if they were at a yard sale, or consignment shop and saw it, thought of me, and grabbed it. I would just enjoy it and not worry:001_smile:



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  • 4 months later...
Guest chuck norris

I hate this. It's a sign of the times. People are cynical. They watch too much television and true crime bios. I think it is sad that so many are cynical because there are people out there who genuinely don't want any credit for making someone else smile. There is even a movement, Random Acts of Kindness, who advocates anonymous gifting, including leaving a bouquet of flowers on your neighbor's door (see www.helpothers.org/ideas.php).


I found this thread, and many other similtar message board threads, on this topic and the majority of people seem to say it's creepy. So, no random act of kindess from me. I was set to buy a book on mythology and an umbrella that looks like a sword for someone I know who loves mythology and ancient swords, but I don't want credit for it. There are no ulterior motives for me. But, I nonetheless canceled the purchase because of the chance that the recipient would find it creepy.. If I didn't gift it anonymously, then it feels like there is, or appears to be, a double-motive, which cheapens the gift. It kills the spirit in which I mean to send it. All I want to do is make the recipient smile and enjoy the gifts, not worry about whether she has to respond in kind. A random act of kindness. I won't risk creeping anyone out, so no more anonymous random acts of kindness.


Is this what we've been reduced to through all of our technological"progress," alienation from one another?Anyway, I am so disappointed and disillusioned It's just sad.

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DH once left a gift at the wrong home.


We traveled to Alaska and knew that a cousin loved a local brewery there, so he picked some up for her. He left it on (what he thought was) the doorstep of her new house and called to let her know to look for a surprise when she got home from work. Unfortunately, she was surprised with an empty doorstep, and a random person on a similarly named street found beer by their front door.



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I wouldn't find it creepy, but I also don't have a blog, so I don't have the fear of blog-related creepiness. I am not sure what to think, but I am sorry this gift has creeped you out.


I have never had anyone leave me an anonymous gift, but I have had people bring me stuff. People have dropped off pieces of meat, for example, but they're guys my husband knows.


I am not very suspicious, but I do hate those creepy internet sites too.

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Guest chuck norris

BTW, my mini-rant, if you will, isn't aimed at the initial person who posted tihs thread or anyone in particular. It's just a slight criticism of our culture in general.

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BTW, my mini-rant, if you will, isn't aimed at the initial person who posted tihs thread or anyone in particular. It's just a slight criticism of our culture in general.



Chuck Norris, I wouldn't feel like I couldn't give any more gifts anonymously, but would clearly put a note that says something of the sort like--"Random Act of Kindness" or make up a little poem or ditty that explains the intent of the gift without wanting to be identified. That would give the person the ability to receive the gift with out "creeping out".

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Ok, I'm sorry, but if it is a random act of kindness, the polite thing to do is to leave a friendly little note on the gift saying,something about the gift or recipient. For example, "found this awesome space painting at a craft fair and new little guy would love it, hope it makes you smile, from a friend doing a random act of kindness!!"

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also, just to say, if I found something on my porch without aforementioned friendly note, I would not keep it, I would trash it or donate it.



My DH is paranoid about stuff like this, so we would probably trash it or donate it as well. Then again, anyone who knows us know this about DH so they would most likely leave us a note.

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Well, here in Utah it wouldn't be weird at all. People leave stuff on our doorstep at least twice a week...anonymously. On Sunday it was a pumpkin and some corn shocks, and tonight it was yummy Halloween cupcakes with a note that said, "A treat for your Family Night". So my vote is for "not weird". :D


Seriously. We get gifts dropped off on our porch fairly regularly, and we've Secret Santa'd people before, too. It's a picture, not a bomb, lol.


Although I do realize this is a thread from last year.

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