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Who Saw Mama Mia Tonight???

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We just got back----- We TOTALLY ADORED IT!


FABULOUS! The whole theater was clapping and singing along at the end! Oh....I think I liked it better than the stage show! Meryl Streep was wonderful.


I think this is one movie I have to see again, just for the music!


Astrid :lurk5:

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Wow! I'm glad you guys liked it. I have looked forward to it, but the local reviews are slamming it, so I was hesitating. Putting it back on my list to see. ;) It sounds like fun.


And besides....Pierce Bronsnan AND Colin Firth. :D


In my opinion you could watch this with the sound off and be perfectly happy. What fine looking men. ;)

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I wanna goooo...

Can't find a babysitter for tomorrow night! Tempted to do a late night movie by myself and go again w/ DH :)


ETA: Found our local review: Mamma Mia is not an Oscar contender... It's simply a dessert-filled creme puff designed mostly for a female audience and rated a mild PG-13. As for most of the men in the audience, it gives them another reason to dislike movie musicals.

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My dh and I saw the stage version two years ago for our anniversary and loved it and we plan on seeing the movie as well. Yesterday was our movie-date day, but the Batman hype was just too much for my dh to resist, so I relented and saw that instead. I'm actually thinking of taking a girlfriend for her birthday this week.

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We hope to see it this next week. I'm so glad to hear it's good. Nothing worse than a bad musical. :lurk5:


frankly, I would put it in the so-bad-it's-good category. I loved it but have never laughed so hard and parts I do not think were intended to be funny.


And, why, why give Pierce Bronson the lead when the poor man cannot sing?!

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frankly, I would put it in the so-bad-it's-good category. I loved it but have never laughed so hard and parts I do not think were intended to be funny.


And, why, why give Pierce Bronson the lead when the poor man cannot sing?!


It was so campy, it just lent itself to some great fill-ins and audience participation? What "costume" and what "props" would be appropriate for viewing Momma Mia!?? According to NYT's reviews, my dh could show up in a spiked dog-collar, no?:)


And yes, I'm one of those people who can't see Tim Curry in a film and not think of him in a corset and fishnets...



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Could've seen it again. And will next week - probably two times.


The official reviews from some of the papers always crack me up. They need to just let go and enjoy the movie. Some movies are just for fun - they don't all need to be Citizen Kane.


I haven't seen the musical version, but am fairly sure that the story line was just as implausible. People rave about it. I wish some of the official reviewers would be less concerned with picking a movie apart (I do realize that it's part of their job) and just be able to say that Mamma Mia is a light-hearted, campy, fun-filled, happy movie that you'll walk out of with a huge smile on your face. :-)


Pierce Brosnan will never get his own recording contract, but his singing has grown on me a bit. Plus, he looks so good... he's forgiven a bit in his singing.


While there was plenty of fun and laughter throughout the movie... there were some tender/heart-tug parts as well. The Slipping Through My Fingers scene was one. One of the friends I went to the movie with has a daughter who is probably going to be getting engaged very soon. My friend was crying so much through that scene that I had to pull out all the extra napkins I had from the snack bar.


If you want a great day out with your friends... go see Mamma Mia! I only saw four guys in the theatre yesterday, so I don't know that I'd drag the husbands along.



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My 18 yo son and I saw it Saturday and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!! I want to go again, but don't know if I can before baby makes his debut. The baby loved it too - he was moving around the entire 2 hours!!!


I have raised all my dc to love ABBA. My daughters, who are 12 and almost 10, are so disappointed that they can't see it yet. I probably won't let them until they are more like 15/16.


Pierce Brosnan singing was disconcerting at first, but it grew on me. I loved that all the actors did their own singing.


I read the Time magazine review online and was just like, "Did this person see the same movie I did?!?!?!"


I loved that it was basically just like the play. The only thing we missed was the "Headbanger Harry" part they do over and over in the play.


And wow, Meryl Streep looks good for 59!!!!

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I loved it - went to see it with 3 friends, and I'm taking my 7 and 8 year old kids to see it this week if we can find the time. They've been listening to Abba since they were in the womb, and I think they'll really enjoy it. I'm still scratching my head over the PG-13 rating - was that a mistake on my movie ticket? It was, IMO, a pretty darned wholesome movie, other than the overarching theme of the 3 possible dads - all in all, I think it's a great family film.

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I did go see it with a gaggle of girlfriends, and I thought it was fabulous! I can't remember the last time I had so much fun at the movies. Yes, it's implausible, yes, it's silly, yes it's FUN! I laughed and smiled through the whole movie, and so did everyone else in the theater as far as I can tell. What is wrong with a silly, feel-good movie?


And I loved that a 59-year old woman got to play a romantic lead. :D

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My 18 year DS saw it with his 18 year old girlfriend - they love musicals, felt it was a waste of money. You can get ABBA's CD if it's the music you love. Some things need to stay on the stage! Now if they turned it into Rocky Horror, for sure they would be there!!!


They may have been to young to appreciate the who was in the movie mixed with Abba.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did see it and loved it. And I still love Pierce even though he can't sing.


It is a fun movie to watch but not worth paying for it. Those who grew up with ABBA (me!) will appreciate the movie more than those who are not familiar with them. Definitely something to watch whenever you are stressed out or depressed. Not a strong storyline but it'll make you feel happy just singing along!



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Am I the one with absolutely zero desire to see this movie? A group of my friends invited me to see it. I knew the basics on what it was about from the previews (a girl getting married who was trying to find out which one of three possibilities was her father) so the subject didn't interest me at all. I decided to read some reviews to see if maybe there was some good to the movie after all, but (from what I read) it looks like promiscuity was glorified, the importance of a father was downplayed, and in the end the girl decided not to even bother getting married - she just went off with her boyfriend without bothering to marry him first.


Besides the singing - was there anything that redeemed this movie? I can't see myself sitting back and enjoying something coming from this worldview.


Then again, maybe I'm just a big wet blanket. I didn't see Sex in the City either.

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Am I the one with absolutely zero desire to see this movie? A group of my friends invited me to see it. I knew the basics on what it was about from the previews (a girl getting married who was trying to find out which one of three possibilities was her father) so the subject didn't interest me at all. I decided to read some reviews to see if maybe there was some good to the movie after all, but (from what I read) it looks like promiscuity was glorified, the importance of a father was downplayed, and in the end the girl decided not to even bother getting married - she just went off with her boyfriend without bothering to marry him first.


Besides the singing - was there anything that redeemed this movie? I can't see myself sitting back and enjoying something coming from this worldview.


Then again, maybe I'm just a big wet blanket. I didn't see Sex in the City either.


I'm ready for the tomatoes!


I hated it... awful, awful, awful. There is a much better Aussie film called Muriel's Wedding, that also had a ton of Abba music and story line. Not even Colin Firth or Stellan Skarsgård was able to save this one for me.

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I'm ready for the tomatoes!


I hated it... awful, awful, awful. There is a much better Aussie film called Muriel's Wedding, that also had a ton of Abba music and story line. Not even Colin Firth or Stellan Skarsgård was able to save this one for me.


I second the recommendation for Muriel's Wedding. Fabulous movie.


This fell into the "It's so bad it's great" category. Really, it was bad. But it was still great fun. I can imagine, though that the stage show is better. I'm very sorry Pierce Brosnan sang - lol.

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I finally saw this last nigt and LOVED it!!!!! It was SO much fun. Of course it was overdone - it was a musical! There was so much subtle humor. Loved it. I don't usually laugh out loud at movies, but I did at this one! Cried a bit too.


II'm still scratching my head over the PG-13 rating - was that a mistake on my movie ticket? .



There was an awful lot of subtle um, inappropriate, humor. Some was not so subtle too!

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