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Learned my lesson about trusting people. :(

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I did a group order for some Classical Conversations lapbooks back in July. I took the orders, gathered the money, placed the order, then distributed the email with the downloads. There were two ladies who didn't get their money to me, and we were going to meet up for park playdates, but I ended up not being able to go to the park for those playdates. Since I felt it was my fault that they weren't able to get their money to me, I went ahead and placed the order and told them that they could get their money to me whenever they could. One lady paid me back, and one still hasn't. :( I've sent out a few emails since then, and she didn't respond. So on Wednesday I sent a private message to her on FB. I know she read it on Wednesday morning, b/c FB now tells you when someone has read the message. I know that she's been on FB since Wednesday morning too. She hasn't responded. It's not like she's a complete stranger! She's part of another Classical Conversations group that's 45 minutes away, and we have mutual friends. I'm trying to give this lady the benefit of the doubt, but I'm losing my trust in her. :( And if I ever organize a group buy again, I will not place an order w/o payment again. Whether she pays me back or not, 3 months is too long of a delay.

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I And if I ever organize a group buy again, I will not place an order w/o payment again. Whether she pays me back or not, 3 months is too long of a delay.



If I do anything that requires money, especially if it has to be paid ahead of time, I get people's money first. The end.

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I did a group order for some Classical Conversations lapbooks back in July. I took the orders, gathered the money, placed the order, then distributed the email with the downloads. There were two ladies who didn't get their money to me, and we were going to meet up for park playdates, but I ended up not being able to go to the park for those playdates. Since I felt it was my fault that they weren't able to get their money to me, I went ahead and placed the order and told them that they could get their money to me whenever they could. One lady paid me back, and one still hasn't. :( I've sent out a few emails since then, and she didn't respond. So on Wednesday I sent a private message to her on FB. I know she read it on Wednesday morning, b/c FB now tells you when someone has read the message. I know that she's been on FB since Wednesday morning too. She hasn't responded. It's not like she's a complete stranger! She's part of another Classical Conversations group that's 45 minutes away, and we have mutual friends. I'm trying to give this lady the benefit of the doubt, but I'm losing my trust in her. :( And if I ever organize a group buy again, I will not place an order w/o payment again. Whether she pays me back or not, 3 months is too long of a delay.


I understand your sentiment about not being able to make the park days and feeling that their lack of payment was your fault. But, the reality is that they wanted to purchase something and the onus is on them to find a way to get the money to you. Meeting them at the park to collect the money was a convenience for them, not an excuse not to pay. :glare: seriously, people can be such jerks sometimes. :glare: I'm sorry this happened to you. :grouphug:

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I belong to several natural foods co-ops and also put in orders to Rainbow Resource, IEW, and Classical Conversations.


However, I hold the product until they pay me. I also don't do this for someone that I don't see on a regular basis. Once someone kept delaying, and I set a deadline and said I'd return it if I wasn't paid. And they paid on time.


Obviously this gets dicey with electronic products, but in the future I wouldn't send the link until they paid. That's me though. Homeschoolers are no different than any other group I've dealt with that way. There are deadbeats among us, I'm afraid.

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