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If you use Kinetic Books Pre-Algebra (non homeschool version)

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I'm trying to decide whether to buy this or not. I tried calling the company but they weren't very helpful as far as what is contained in their packages.

I need to get the non-homeschool version of the pre-algebra because it is the only one that is stand alone and not web based.


I am using the free trial which has answers to the odd questions only (but none of the challenge or test prep questions). I don't believe they have any more answers in the full blown version. So, what do you do? Skip them or figure them out yourself ? I can't see doing that all year long.


I'm also wondering what is contained in the course manager ($10 add on) - the person I spoke to said it was homework. More homework? more answers to the questions? She didn't know. Can anyone enlighten me? They should definitely have people who know the product answering their phones.

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AngieW in Texas used it with her two daughters and they seemed to really like it, in spite of the lack of a solutions manual or answer to all the questions. For a number of us who tried it recently that was a problem. You can see these threads discussing it:






The HS version gives you a pacing guide and the homework assignments. Maybe that is part of what the course manager also provides? I know there are certain things they will only provide to schools though. And yes, customer support is not the greatest or most knowledgeable regarding their own products.:rolleyes: Its enough to make you wonder how much help they could actually provide if you have a problem while in the program.

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I haven't used their pre algebra, but I did use the non-hs version of Algebra I and Algebra II. I only assigned the odds. That was still plenty of problems.


The added value you get from the hs version is an introductory video for each lesson, a pacing guide, and automatic grading.


The regular version grades each page that has immediate feedback questions, but you have to go to each individual page to look up the grades. The hs version tallies all of the grades for you.


I only graded the chapter tests.


I didn't need a solution manual. If you need a solution manual, then KB is not going to be a good program for you.


My youngest won't use a math program that is computer-based, so she won't be using KB at all. My two older girls loved KB.

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I haven't used their pre algebra, but I did use the non-hs version of Algebra I and Algebra II. I only assigned the odds. That was still plenty of problems.


The added value you get from the hs version is an introductory video for each lesson, a pacing guide, and automatic grading.


The regular version grades each page that has immediate feedback questions, but you have to go to each individual page to look up the grades. The hs version tallies all of the grades for you.


I only graded the chapter tests.


I didn't need a solution manual. If you need a solution manual, then KB is not going to be a good program for you.


My youngest won't use a math program that is computer-based, so she won't be using KB at all. My two older girls loved KB.


Thanks Angie. Did you use the Course Manager too? Their rep said it was homework, but there is already homework in the course, so I'm not sure what that provides. Just more of the same?

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