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CC- Gift for 16 year son getting baptized?

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I hesitate to suggest this, not knowing how appropriate it would be for Baptists, but I use a fantastic, relatively new devotion book called the Treasury of Daily Prayer from Concordia Publishing House.


It has Bible passage written out for every day of the year--a Psalm and two other lengthy passages. Additionally it has a commentary reading from the older Church, a prayer, suggestions for further reading, and a relevant hymn verse. I just read all of those most days, but it also has other prayers written out for certain seasons or other circumstances in life, and it has orders of worship that can also be used individually or in a family.


I have only had this for a few months but I like it very much, and sooner or later I will probably start using the orders of worship in addition to the readings of the days.


I suggest it because it seems to fit his new maturity in faith. It's not a cutesy life application devotion book. It is focussed on the Word, on prayer, and on theology through the ages but vetted very well.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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