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Where would you be if you were...

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Underneath all the laundry waiting to be folded, because you dumped the basket there on your way to make the lunch which was served late because of the miserable child that insisted that breakfast was the wrong food.


Never had that moment before. Another safe place here is on top of the fridge, on the shelf in the closet or any other high place...of course I am short so I often can't see what I put into such safe places until I am up on a chair changing the lightbulb in the room

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Guest inoubliable

Under furniture.


And, once, in the microwave. Really. My sister lost one of hers IN a book. As in, she'd put one in an open book to mark her place. She moved the book from the couch to a table WITH the remote in there and didn't even notice. Took her an entire day to find it.

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The way you find them is to go to Target or Best Buy and purchase a universal remote. After you get that set up, you will lose it. So, you will need to get a second universal remote. Some time later you will be looking for a piece of some piece of sports gear belonging to one of your dc. While searching for the sports gear, which you do not have as of today, because your dc have never heard of this sport, but they will be avid participants in a month, you will find one of the remotes. You will find the other remote when you are looking for a piece of your science curriculum.

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Nope, not yet.


It's going to be in the most obvious place when i do find it. It'll be found this week since i have to finish my cleaning projects by Friday.


If I had one, it would be on the fridge, in the cupboard we keep the drinking glasses, DS might have stuck it in the broiler (one time I baked a pair of leather shoes like that "What smells like burning skin?") OR, it would be stuck under the couch or theoretical TV table so far that you'd have to tile the couch to properly see underneath it.


I love cleaning under the couch, just to find all of the forgotten books and toys that end up under there.

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