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What's your favorite Bible books memorization song?


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There are so many out there!!! :001_huh:

I didn't memorize the books of the Bible to a tune, so they all sound confusing and convoluted to me. :p But I was thinking I'd like something to play while we _____ (eat breakfast, transition, etc) and this might be a nice thing to pursue.


If your children learned the books of the Bible to a tune/song, what was their favorite or what did you use?

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We haven't practiced much, but my ds loves Go Fish.




ETA: Listened to a few. I like the one posted above.

This one too.



We like Go Fish, too (Bible Book Bop :)).

When I was searching for songs earlier today, I listened to that 2nd one you linked and *really* liked it....but can't seem to find a way to buy a mp3 download. Their website is a little confusing. :(

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Have you heard of Seeds Worship cds?




They aren't the books of the Bible names but they are great for memorizing scripture! I often hear my kids singing the songs throughout the day. I found this blog that has really neat coloring pages to go along with the verses.


Here are some links for you if you are interested:



site about the Seeds Cds:






and here is the site that has the awesome visuals that you can use to teach the memory verses:




Hope that helps!

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I you're into apps, check out Granny's Bible Dojo. We samples it through church, and my 7-year-old loved it... As well as the middle- and highschoolers.


Oh man! That's FUN STUFF! :D :D

I don't have an iPhone or anything on which to use an app, but I tried the free web demo and it was fun!


Wonder if educational (and SPIRITUAL!!! ;)) learning is a good enough reason to get an iPad. Hmmmm......

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We love Jamie Soles' version. It is on his Good Advice CD (we like all the songs). There is a sample on his website. Just scroll down to the books of the bible song.


Here: http://solmusic.ca/discography/good-advice.php



Maybe the mp3 works: http://solmusic.ca/samples/ga-books-of-the-bible-sample.mp3


It is also on iTunes. We've memorized lots from his CDs.

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