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If you were going to seriously curtail the amt of time you spend online . . .

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but not eliminate it completely, how would you manage/schedule your online time?


Weekends only? Midweek and one weekend day? total of x hours/wk? School unlimited, everything else set time only.


I have identified too much online time as a weakness and am thinking about how to limit it. I've been thinking, though, that I really can't and don't even want to give it up altogether b/c of several factors (including online classes, movie night, needing school info, et c).


However, I'm awful about having a fairly legitimate reason to be online turn into a black hole of quasi (il)legitimate reasons way-too-much time later.


Some things are easy to allow for because they are easily scheduled and I can live with doing them infrequently:

movie nights (Sat and Sun), online classes, and some other things I find reasonable like checking email at least twice per week.


Here is my real time hog, though: (legitimate or otherwise) school planning. I need an idea for how to celebrate a saint's day, a book to go along with a bio chapter, an activity for our writing club . . . and what starts as a search for a book or activity takes way longer than I planned and morphs into a cool recipe for a holy day I don't celebrate for a religion I'm not part of.


So, how to you schedule/manage your online time?

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I go through phases of limiting myself to an hour each evening. It usually feels very unsatisfying, I tend to find that the more time I spend on-line the more I enjoy being on-line. So, cutting down to an hour a day quite often means I forget about my computer entirely for a while. I get so much more done. I also find I feel a little happier.


Thanks for reminding me :p.

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I would make a to-do list everyday or every week (however you wanted to do it) and then I would only get online after I have accomplished everything/90%/80% on the list.




I have a job that required a lot of time at the computer so it makes it very difficult to stay offline but the to-do list helps.

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I try to keep it off until 3 pm but turn it off before making dinner so it's off before my husband gets home. So that gives me 2 hours, some of which I am distracted with the kids but it gives me sufficient time to check all of my "stuff" and any research that I need to do. I try to do no nights and weekends because that's family time.

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but not eliminate it completely, how would you manage/schedule your online time?


Weekends only? Midweek and one weekend day? total of x hours/wk? School unlimited, everything else set time only.


I have identified too much online time as a weakness and am thinking about how to limit it. I've been thinking, though, that I really can't and don't even want to give it up altogether b/c of several factors (including online classes, movie night, needing school info, et c).


However, I'm awful about having a fairly legitimate reason to be online turn into a black hole of quasi (il)legitimate reasons way-too-much time later.


Some things are easy to allow for because they are easily scheduled and I can live with doing them infrequently:

movie nights (Sat and Sun), online classes, and some other things I find reasonable like checking email at least twice per week.


Here is my real time hog, though: (legitimate or otherwise) school planning. I need an idea for how to celebrate a saint's day, a book to go along with a bio chapter, an activity for our writing club . . . and what starts as a search for a book or activity takes way longer than I planned and morphs into a cool recipe for a holy day I don't celebrate for a religion I'm not part of.


So, how to you schedule/manage your online time?

I know me. I would limit to weekends only, or even take a month off. I'm not as good with moderation as I would like.

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Periodically I go on an online-diet. I limit myself to checking the weather or getting things for school off the computer.

I find it is very good for me to do that now and then. I find that I spend more time reading, writing, thinking...


School stuff does not include checking the forum....

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