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Teaching Company Basic Math - Has anyone used it?

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I am looking into this program for my hs son who has struggles in math. I have read excellent reviews on the history programs, but can't seem to find a review for this one. Has anyone used it? What are your thoughts? I would appreciate any and all info.......


Please feel free to email me, reply here or pm.


Thanks so much!


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I recently checked it out from our library to watch with my girls. We've only viewed a bit of it...just reviews of multiplication, division, fractions so far.


Dr. Siegel is amiable and the explanations thus far have been helpful. He gives many sample problems with direction to pause the video and solve; he demonstrates the solution to each of these.


I should mention that there are a couple of errors in the on-screen problems during (IIRC) the section called Dividing Fractions...the reciprocal fraction is shown a step too soon. It was obviously a mistake in editing, not in Dr. Siegel's presentation.


There's my tiny review. ;) I hope it's somewhat helpful. Perhaps you can request it from your library for a looksee before you purchase. :001_smile:

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This is available on Netflix. Search "Basic Math" on the Netflix site. Netflix has one DVD per lesson instead of the 6 DVDs offered on the Teaching company site. 3 appear to be missing:



Algebra 1 is also available from Netflix but I do not see TTC's Algebra 2. Geometry is also available from Netflix.

Chemistry is also available from Netflix.

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