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Professor Hive: University Art Class Question

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Weird question but you people know everything so here goes.


DD is an art major. She has been offered some super-duper internship program but she is a few credits short of qualifying. Her art teacher and adviser are working with her to help her qualify. They want her to find the following: an on-line or correspondence upper lever art history class at a non-Alaskan university.


She needs to let her teacher know where she will take the class by the 5th. She has been looking on line but is having a hard time finding something. So, Hive, consider this a challenge. If you know of any such class, please let me know. Thanks.

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What is her area of emphasis? Asking because to step into an upper level course, wouldn't she need some of the pre-req courses at most universities? Would those transfer easily in order for her to enroll remotely into a single course?


Would something like the Savannah College of Art & Design's e-programs work? http://www.scad.edu/online/index.cfm


She is a studio art/ drawing major. She has already done lower level art history ( a generic type class) Apparently at the upper level it is a specific age or culture. She is currently taking Italian Renaissance Art History. Unfortunately, for this internship she needs another art history class and UAA isn't offering anything right now - hence her adviser's instruction to find something on line.


So, at this point, I'll send any and all suggestions to her and let her sort it out. :tongue_smilie:

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What do you consider 'upper level'?

Here is a 204 History of Western Art at PSU in Oregon.


Class started last week and you have to have professors approval to start at this point but she could probably get in.




ETA>I see you have elaborated since the first post, it is likely too general for what she needs.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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