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They've been using the pediatric needle for my IVs...thankfully. The pain is the burning deep inside as they dig....would the numbing help that? So far, every site they've used in the last week and a half is blown - black and blue, which is why she was looking at my feet yesterday. She finally found a spot in my hand, but it's blue today too (about 3-4in up my arm).


My mom just called to tell me that the new office was awesome on the phone. They went ahead and put me in their system (they don't usually do that until they have your records). Mom and I are trying to arrange transfer of records right now, and then I'm supposed to call them back this afternoon with insurance information. Mom said they seemed very anxious to get the ball rolling.


I feel cautiously relieved.


Oh Kristin, your mom sounds like she's a God send. :) Unfortunately, the topical lidocaine will only help with numbing the skin; there's not much that can be done for the deep 'digging around' pain that's caused by them trying to get into your vein. The only thing that's going to help that is getting you hydrated.


:grouphug:s to you dear. Jesus knows what you're going through, and he's holding you in His hands. :grouphug:

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the new office was awesome on the phone. They went ahead and put me in their system (they don't usually do that until they have your records). Mom and I are trying to arrange transfer of records right now, and then I'm supposed to call them back this afternoon with insurance information. Mom said they seemed very anxious to get the ball rolling.


I feel cautiously relieved.


this is such good news. do you have a friend who can go to appts with you to be a patient advocate? if you go to church, some churches have parish nurses who could do this for you, or might be able to recommend someone.


:grouphug: i am thankful you are seeing someone new. the other idea i had was for you to try one of the three that were previously recommended, even if just for one visit to get you on the right track? :grouphug:


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My mom is contacting a new doctor for me today. He came at the recommendation of a volunteer from beyondmorningsickness who is from my area. I'd dont have the voice or energy to wade through the hoops I'm sure they'll make her jump to get a new patient appt quickly.


I realized that I probably should've done this a long time ago. It's just that this doctor is all I've ever known (and I thought this other office didn't take my insurance, but beyondmorningsickness was able to help with that too). This isn't the first time I have felt brushed off by my doctor....I'm just always scared of change for some reason. I'm hoping that a consultation with his new doctor will make me feel so cared for that changing wont be a big deal at all.


I don't know if you saw my reply in your previous thread, but I would really encourage you to ask your new OB to give you a trial prescription of Transderm Scop . It is not normally prescribed for women with HG (it has not been tested on pregnant women), but for those that have severe forms of HG a knowledgeable OB WILL prescribe it. It is a patch that stays on for three days at at time and as long as you change the patch every three days it does not wear off. The medication in it is for motion sickness, but it works for some women with severe forms of HG for whom the usual oral drugs don't work. It is the only thing that worked for me, and probably saved the life of my son (and me).

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I don't know if you saw my reply in your previous thread, but I would really encourage you to ask your new OB to give you a trial prescription of Transderm Scop . It is not normally prescribed for women with HG (it has not been tested on pregnant women), but for those that have severe forms of HG a knowledgeable OB WILL prescribe it. It is a patch that stays on for three days at at time and as long as you change the patch every three days it does not wear off. The medication in it is for motion sickness, but it works for some women with severe forms of HG for whom the usual oral drugs don't work. It is the only thing that worked for me, and probably saved the life of my son (and me).



I will definitely discuss it with him!

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My records have been picked up and dropped off at the new office. The receptionist tried to get them back to the dr to look at while we were there, but he was in a room. He's supposed to look them over when he's done and she's going to call me this afternoon.


The IV stick doesn't bother me, it's the intense burning/pain as they dig around that kills me. I've never been one to be bothered by needles.....until now.


As far as drinking eating.....it doesn't matter. Even sips (of anything) don't stay down. The only time I'm able to ingest anything without it coming back up immediately is a few hours after the IV Zofran. At that point, I can eat/drink it, but I am MISERABLE afterwards. The nausea is just awful.

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One other thing to ask your new OB about . . .


There is a thingey you can wear on your wrist. It looks like a big watch, and it delivers a mild electrical current. I tried one in my midwife's office and was amazed at how it helped my nausea. I don't know how effective it is long-term. (I tried to purchase one but ended up not getting one because the receptionist screwed up the order multiple times over weeks and I was finally feeling better by the time the whole rotten mess got straightened out.)


It's worth asking about.



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Morning sickness sucks. I use to burst veins in my eyes with the force of my morning sickness. For me sniffling Lavender oil helped, sometimes ginger or Tiger Balm. There are prescription medications that can help with severe morning sickness, so ask a doctor about it.


Go get the IV fluids. You and the baby will feel better for it. Ask for the head phlebotomist to do your poke since they have problems finding your veins. Be very insistent. My mom and I have a rule that if a person can't find a vein with just two pokes they are gone. If you lived in San Francisco and went to St Luke's I could tell you the name of who to ask for.


My step-mother swears by having Ginger Ale and Saltines for vomiting. It's better to have something in your tummy to bring up rather than nothing at all. Now, I couldn't stand the amount of sugar in Ginger Ale when I was pregnant so maybe a seltzer with a little something added for flavoring, like a drop or two of grenadine?


Most of all :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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The first time they had trouble was at the OBs office. I'm not sure if I really had options or not, but I probably should've asked. The 2nd time was in the ER and their best nurse tried 2x before finding the life flight nurse. The lab tech who was in the room even commented on how she couldn't believe that nurse couldn't get it because she is "the best". They all hurt more than I ever remember any IV start hurting. Sigh.


Have you asked that they try a "butterfly" needle? This usually works on my tiny veins that also tend to slip out of reach.

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At this point it doesn't matter WHAT or HOW MUCH I put in my body (food or liquid), it comes right back up unless I have IV Zofran in me. At that point, I am MISERABLE, but at least it stays in. I can literally keep NOTHING down - meds included. I've had the grand total of maybe 1 meal and 8oz of liquid (if that) in a weeks time.


New doctor did not go over well. After dropping off my records at the new dr's office, I got a call this afternoon that he feels I'm receiving excellent care and wouldn't recommend switching. This man came highly recommended by an HG mom who contacted me through Beyond Morning Sickness. I looked through my records prior to dropping them off and they consisted of this (pertaining to this pregnancy):


1. My answers to the OB history nurses questions (family history, etc) and lab results from that day. It was also noted that I said that I wasn't keeping anything down and that she had me see a doctor that day.


2. The "notes" from seeing the doctor (same day as above). These consisted of the fact that I was seen for rehydration, the fluids and Zofran that I received (it did say it took 3 tries), a "diagnosis" of HG - mild. That's it. The fields for my weight and vitals were empty.


3. My u/s results stating that there was just one baby and potentially a small subchorionic hemorrhage (which I was never told about).


4. "Notes" from my appt yesterday. These were basically identical to #2. They stated that I was seen for rehydration, what I was given, and the diagnosis of HG - mild. This one did include my weight and vitals.


That's it.


I commented that this wasn't necessarily an accurate picture (it made no mention of the ER trips, the ketones, the weight loss, the meds I'd be given, what I was or wasn't keeping down, etc). I commented that there were 2 additional rehydrations at the ER, how much weight I had lost, and the ketones. She said she'd talk to his nurse and put me on hold. When she came back, she said that even with that information he wouldn't do anything different. I cried.


I'm not sure if this is a matter of not having the whole picture or not wanting to step on toes, or what?!? I KNOW I'm not the worst they've ever seen (thank goodness).....not even close, but I'm miserable, dehydrated, losing weight, and about out of IV sites none the less. I cried quite a bit....and now I just don't know what to do.


My mom is coming over tonight to help me lay out a timeline of events for a better picture of the whole scenario. I'm not sure how we'll use it yet. I just want this over. I've hit my emotional limit. My whole family is suffering and I don't know how to keep going.

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I'm so sorry. I feel queasy just reading your posts. It's so awful feeling you can't care for yourself let alone your family. The mental battle is as bad as the physical pain, if not worse. Having just gone through this again, though not as tough as yours, huddled on the couch, plugging my ears every time anyone said they were hungry and waving weakly in the direction of the kitchen, I empathise. Prayers for you and this precious baby, and for wisdom regarding treatment.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I am so sorry to hear you are having a bad week with IVs, I know that

it may not help now, but perhaps you could ask for LMX cream, or lidocane prilocane cream prior to your next poke? If you apply it 30 - 45 minutes before your next appointment it might help. You need to get it through your clinic. It is prescription only, but it sounds like you have a number of pokes coming up, it may be worth having on hand. :o) Good luck! :001_smile:


I'm having a really rough day. I can't even look forward to this afternoon, let alone weeks or months down the road when this will be over.


I've had 3 IVs and 4 blood draws resulting in over 10 of the most painful pokes I've ever experienced in the last week. I've lost 7-8lbs and am throwing up bile. I know I need fluids again, but the thought of another IV scares me to death. I've never been scared of IVs/needles until now. The last 2 IVs required 3 tries and 2 nurses each. I'm bruised and battered and my head is throbbing. I just don't want to be here today.


FWIW, I do have an appt with my OB at 2pm today to discuss options to handle this better.....and I have reached out to beyondmorningsickness and helpher, but I'm just having a really bad day today.


Thanks for "listening".

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At this point it doesn't matter WHAT or HOW MUCH I put in my body (food or liquid), it comes right back up unless I have IV Zofran in me. At that point, I am MISERABLE, but at least it stays in. I can literally keep NOTHING down - meds included. I've had the grand total of maybe 1 meal and 8oz of liquid (if that) in a weeks time.


New doctor did not go over well. After dropping off my records at the new dr's office, I got a call this afternoon that he feels I'm receiving excellent care and wouldn't recommend switching. This man came highly recommended by an HG mom who contacted me through Beyond Morning Sickness. I looked through my records prior to dropping them off and they consisted of this (pertaining to this pregnancy):


1. My answers to the OB history nurses questions (family history, etc) and lab results from that day. It was also noted that I said that I wasn't keeping anything down and that she had me see a doctor that day.


2. The "notes" from seeing the doctor (same day as above). These consisted of the fact that I was seen for rehydration, the fluids and Zofran that I received (it did say it took 3 tries), a "diagnosis" of HG - mild. That's it. The fields for my weight and vitals were empty.


3. My u/s results stating that there was just one baby and potentially a small subchorionic hemorrhage (which I was never told about).


4. "Notes" from my appt yesterday. These were basically identical to #2. They stated that I was seen for rehydration, what I was given, and the diagnosis of HG - mild. This one did include my weight and vitals.


That's it.


I commented that this wasn't necessarily an accurate picture (it made no mention of the ER trips, the ketones, the weight loss, the meds I'd be given, what I was or wasn't keeping down, etc). I commented that there were 2 additional rehydrations at the ER, how much weight I had lost, and the ketones. She said she'd talk to his nurse and put me on hold. When she came back, she said that even with that information he wouldn't do anything different. I cried.


I'm not sure if this is a matter of not having the whole picture or not wanting to step on toes, or what?!? I KNOW I'm not the worst they've ever seen (thank goodness).....not even close, but I'm miserable, dehydrated, losing weight, and about out of IV sites none the less. I cried quite a bit....and now I just don't know what to do.


My mom is coming over tonight to help me lay out a timeline of events for a better picture of the whole scenario. I'm not sure how we'll use it yet. I just want this over. I've hit my emotional limit. My whole family is suffering and I don't know how to keep going.


Oh, no. :( I'm so sorry. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Sorry. What I do is ask for the nurse who is great at IVs for people with hard to find veins...the assigned nurses will go for that person after the first unsuccessful attempt, or they'll call if I request. The other thing to do is keep warm. The extent of bruising has nothing to do with the insertion pain ime.


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I'm not sure if these suggestions will help since it seems you are firmly in the cycle of dehydration and that's hard to break out of. But with my 3rd I had HG, however I had better luck with the oral Zophran than you but even then I dry heave multiple times a day. I very clearly remember having my mouth feel like cardboard because I was sooooo thirsty and yet I couldn't drink without consequences. I had bottles and bottles of stuff that I tried thinking maybe I could get a sip of this or that down. What finally worked for me was excessively salty things. I suppose because my electrolytes were so out of wack that the salt help stabilize a little bit. So I will make my off the wall suggestions just because I haven't seen any of these mentioned


Dill Pickle juice (but it had to be refrigerated kind of pickles not the stuff on the shelf). My kids ate the pickles because they made me sick but little sips (like 1/2 tsp) a least wet my mouth and didn't make me hurl.


Ramen noodles broth (use the noodles for something else but the broth was highly processed and lots of flavors to choose from - because I could only have the same flavor once or twice and I had to switch or get sick)


The one that worked the best was Thai Kitchen Rice noodles, particularly the Bankok Curry flavor (but they had others as well). Again toss out the noodles because right now they won't help. I didn't find these to be spicy so they didn't aggravate my heartburn.


I'm sorry you are feeling so bad and hopefully you will pull out of this soon. It's so hard when everything makes you sick.

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Oh, my goodness, it just seems so inhumane for them to let you continue. It seems with anyone not pregnant it would be no question of treating you more aggressively.


That's how I feel. I'll admit that I was/am starting to wonder if all the dehydration and misery was going to my head and making me feel like this is worse than it is. I really, truly, just want to feel better enough to eat & drink on my own & walk to the bathroom without feeling like I can't make it.


If we weren't done at 4 anyway, we would be now. There is no way I could do this again!

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Oh, my goodness, it just seems so inhumane for them to let you continue. It seems with anyone not pregnant it would be no question of treating you more aggressively.


This. I also can't believe that they would let a pregnant woman lose 15% of her body weight before admitting to the hospital and/or getting more aggressive with treatment. :confused: I'm no doctor, but that sounds inhumane and dangerous. And no, I don't think you are imaging that it is worse than it is. Severe deyhdration and vomiting are serious. I know how I felt with 'round the clock nausea and severe exhaustion--that wasn't in my head, it was awful--and you have it 100 times worse than I do!


Is it possible to just go to the emergency room and demand to be admitted? I think that's what I would do. I know a couple days in the hospital isn't convenient, but if they could get you on a constant IV, rehydrate you, and maybe break the cycle?? Give you a break?



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This. I also can't believe that they would let a pregnant woman lose 15% of her body weight before admitting to the hospital and/or getting more aggressive with treatment. :confused: I'm no doctor, but that sounds inhumane and dangerous. And no, I don't think you are imaging that it is worse than it is. Severe deyhdration and vomiting are serious. I know how I felt with 'round the clock nausea and severe exhaustion--that wasn't in my head, it was awful--and you have it 100 times worse than I do!


Is it possible to just go to the emergency room and demand to be admitted? I think that's what I would do. I know a couple days in the hospital isn't convenient, but if they could get you on a constant IV, rehydrate you, and maybe break the cycle?? Give you a break?




I've been there twice. They take bloodwork, give me my 2L of fluids & IV Zofran and send me on my way. We tried to push for something more the last time, but the dr just kept insisting that I needed to talk to my OB about other options. That was the point of the appt on Tuesday that led to nowhere.

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Kate, I only read your original posts and the ones after post 50. I am so sick over this for you. My dd is a very hard stick and that digging around is awful. I feel the desperation in your situation. I don't know what to tell you because unless dd is HIGHLY hydrated, blood draws are horrendous. If she is dehydrated, it is near impossible.


I am sure it has been mentiined but have the nurses applied heat to enlarge the veins? also, there is a type of light that shows all the veins. Dd's problem is also that her veins are wigglers so they move when stuck. Does this happen to you? Again if dd is well hydrated, she is fine.


I wish they could leave something in you so you can not ony get Zofran by IV, but so you can also get regular IV fluid!


I am glad your mom is going to be your advocate. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm sitting in the infusion center at the hospital right now getting 2L of fluids and IV Zofran. I was able to order a meal here :). And the best part? With the Zofran so fresh in my system, I ate it!!! It's so quiet here....I like it.


I still wasn't able to get a standing order for fluids, but the fact that they were willing to send orders over to the infusion center felt like a small step in the right direction.

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I don't know about it being used during pregnancy, but what about topical Phenergen?


When DS and I had some sort of mutant stomach virus that had been going on for well over a week. The poor kid was so dehydrated he looked shriveled and was just dry heaving almost constantly for days. We also had it coming out the bottom end so a suppository wasn't an option.


The doc was willing to call in the topical phenergen to a compounding pharmacy and it was a godsend. It came in little ML size needle free syringes and you rub it behind your ear or on your wrists.

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:grouphug::grouphug: You are in your rights to ask your doctor to be specific with blood work and limit the number of draws...that alone is enough to turn your stomach more! Praying you reach a hormonal point where the nausea is limited...I honestly think tough pregnancies are there to make us so thankful when they're teenagers :) If you can handle this, you can handle anything!! They are precious precious creations!!

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I'm sitting in the infusion center at the hospital right now getting 2L of fluids and IV Zofran. I was able to order a meal here :). And the best part? With the Zofran so fresh in my system, I ate it!!! It's so quiet here....I like it.


I still wasn't able to get a standing order for fluids, but the fact that they were willing to send orders over to the infusion center felt like a small step in the right direction.


So glad to read this, Krisitin! :party:

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I'm sitting in the infusion center at the hospital right now getting 2L of fluids and IV Zofran. I was able to order a meal here :). And the best part? With the Zofran so fresh in my system, I ate it!!! It's so quiet here....I like it.


I still wasn't able to get a standing order for fluids, but the fact that they were willing to send orders over to the infusion center felt like a small step in the right direction.


I'm so glad you're getting at least a bit of relief! I hope you continue to do better. :grouphug:


I suppose I understand them waiting for more treatment for not being able to eat until you lose 15% of your body weight, but it seems like the dehydration would cause more concern!!

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