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S/O acne-is it me or do you notice that redheads get more pimples?

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My ds is only 9 and a redhead and starting to get some pimples (despite organic diet w/ no processed foods and washing once a day w/ Cetaphil). I remember my redheaded aunt had terrible acne too. I see redhead teens often with acne.


Is there something to this? Have you noticed it w/ your kids or family?

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Strawberry-blonde here. I think that it just shows up more because our skin is so fair that every little blemish stands out like a giant red mark. It's very annoying.


My eldest daughter is a fair-skinned strawberry blonde. No skin issues. Though, as Element said, anything at all would stand out more on her.



Well, to be fair she did ask if we noticed redheads get more pimples. ;)


I definitely notice mine. Also, my best friend in high school was a red headed boy (very bright red hair) and one of the pimpliest people in school for a while there.

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Great! My red-headed DD (10) is just starting to break out. :( We've been using Cetaphil, but I'm thinking of switching her to something stronger. I've personally had luck with products containing salicylic acid, but it can be a bit drying.

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I am a redhead. I never had any breakouts in adolescence. I have always tended towards dry skin. I get an occasional pimple on my chin before my period, but never any real acne.


Now, I do have issues with rosacea, but respond very well to treatment. You would prob never even know if you saw me. I see lots of people who think they have acne when they really have rosacea. I started showing symptoms of rosacea in my early twenties and it went haywire in my early 30s. A visit to the dermatologist cleared it right up.

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dh is a redhead, 1dd is a redhead, 2ds was born with auburn hair that turned tow, and has very stereotypical redhaired skin. (my redhead sister didn't have as many breakouts as me. I was tow when I was a child.)


yes, there is a difference. there's also been studies indicating redheads need more analgesics to achieve the same level of pain relief.

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My sister and I are both red heads and I can't say we had any majorly noticeable outbreaks to be honest. The odd pimple from time to time but neither of us had acne. We both have quite dry sensitive skin though rather than oily skin.

Edited by lailasmum
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Purely anecdotal--The worst acne I ever saw on a classmate was a redhead; he sat in front of me during drivers' ed and I was seriously worried that some of the pimples on his neck/back of his head (he shaved it with his whole wresting team) were going to burst right in front of me they were so bad!

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No, not at least in our family. Dd17 has gorgeous light red hair and better skin than her blonde brother. My sisters-in-law, all with the same hair, never had acne problems-------I knew them since they were in grade school.


Dd12, also with the same hair, still has baby skin :)

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  • 2 years later...

@happy grace.  yes i noticed it.  that's how i found this page. haha.  i was searching the internet for a connection between redhaired people & acne.  i don't think it's just the obvious "red color brings out the red in the acne" but that there's more to it & they actually get more acne than most.  my thoughts are that perhaps red haired people have THINNER SKIN (which might allow for more bacterial growth)?  or craggier skin (or some other characteristic that is allowing for more bacterial growth)?


according to studies, redhaired people definitely have less number of hair follicles than brunettes.  also according to studies, black-african people have literally thicker skin than asians or caucasians.  so it's not out of the realm of possibilities that more redhaired people may have an unusual characteristic of their skin which may allow for bacterial growth - thus more acne.

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My redhead dd (15) has less skin issues than my dd (13) with brown hair. Neither have a lot of issues, though. Just the occasional spot or two during their cycles. I never had skin issues either. Dh was a very pimply teen boy but he has brown hair. We eat somewhat healthy but do not do all organic nor have we cut out all processed food. They eat everything but do so in moderation. So, I think they just took after me in regards to skin issues.

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