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Is there a test one can administer to find out a child's learning style/brain side?


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I think almost all of the research has shown that "learning styles" are a myth, so I don't think there's anything diagnostic that could actually be considered reliably accurate. That said, different kids certainly seem to react differently to different teachers and different curricular choices.

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I think almost all of the research has shown that "learning styles" are a myth, so I don't think there's anything diagnostic that could actually be considered reliably accurate. That said, different kids certainly seem to react differently to different teachers and different curricular choices.


I haven't heard that, do you mind elaborating?


I found A Self-Portraitâ„¢ Online, LearningSuccessâ„¢ Profile System pretty helpful for my 10 year old. We purchased it through the homeschool co-op. I think it helped me to see a bit of her learning preferences, and explained some of the difficulty we had last year. I think we were too book/reading heavy, and now we're able to be a bit more hands-on. Though I think it's critical for her to develop in all directions, not just one.

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I think almost all of the research has shown that "learning styles" are a myth, so I don't think there's anything diagnostic that could actually be considered reliably accurate. That said, different kids certainly seem to react differently to different teachers and different curricular choices.




A quick search will turn up a number of articles about this issue... Here's a scholarly one that pretty much says it's nonsense:



I do think that considering a child's individual and sometimes complex learning needs can be important, but the evidence seems to suggest that these assessments that put us into these little boxes are basically useless.

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I haven't heard that, do you mind elaborating?


I found A Self-Portraitâ„¢ Online, LearningSuccessâ„¢ Profile System pretty helpful for my 10 year old. We purchased it through the homeschool co-op. I think it helped me to see a bit of her learning preferences, and explained some of the difficulty we had last year. I think we were too book/reading heavy, and now we're able to be a bit more hands-on. Though I think it's critical for her to develop in all directions, not just one.


If you go to Google Scholar and type in something about learning styles, there are lots of studies showing that there is no proof for different learning styles.


Here's one with a pretty thorough abstract.


There have been a few articles written on it, in the mainstream media, too. Here's one of the first ones I found by Googling: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/09/AR2010020902553.html

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I did this last year for my son who is now age 7 and in 2nd grade. I am sorry I don't remember the name of the one I took. I just googled Learning Style Exams/Tests and took one for him. It was free. I answered the questions based on how I knew my son would answer them. Most of the questions are geared toward adults. But the results were pretty spot on. It definitely gave me more insight as to what types of curriculum/programs that would and would not work for my son. I learned that he is equally an Auditory and Visual Learner. The test pointed me towards a more reading based style of curriculum and either video or computer based programs. This years academic time goes MUCH smoother than last year. I am so glad I did the test and found curriculum and programs that work for him.


We use Tapestry of Grace Year 1, Teaching Textbooks Math 3, Explode the Code, and A Reason for Spelling. We don't do official grammar or writing yet. He just isn't ready for it. Plan to tackle it next year.

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