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I am so angry!!!!!!!!

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I am sitting here in the ER with DD8 who can. not. breathe. Can't get out a complete sentence. O2 stats are 93. But she is clamped down so tight that she isn't wheezing anymore and the RT who came in is all "she's moving good air." Teehee.


No she really isn't. I wish they would train RT's that sometimes, when kids airways get tight enough, they stop wheezing. We have had this problem before with my other daughter. I'm not stupid. I know when my child isn't moving air. Plus you can ask her - she's 8.


Then she does a peak flow - where my DD can't even move the needle and is all - "she isn't doing it right." She does this daily and always moves the needle. It isn't moving cause she can't breathe, not because she's doing it wrong.


If I don't see a doctor - an intelligent, observant doctor - soon, I may scream.


That is all. Just needed to spew my frustration somewhere.

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I can't help but get so angry when this happens. '


The doctor came in and isn't much better. But they are starting her on steroids and doing an hour long treatment. That's either going to fix her or open her up enough for them to hear the junk.


I'm just so irate. I feel like I need to take them and say - look at her respiratory rate - crazy high - look at the retractions on her collarbone and her ribs, look at her flaring nostrils. Go read your medical textbooks because those are all signs of respiratory distress.


My poor girl. She's so miserable and can't breathe and everyone is treating us like no big deal. Oh well. They'll start the treatment soon.

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I'm so glad they're starting treatment now! One of my daughters has asthma like that. Not the typical wheezing, and she's not a complainer. Her words would become an effort to get out and her lips would turn blue. It's really scary. Fortunately she is older now and knows her symptoms.

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I am sorry. I know this can be so frustrating. When my sister was three days old the doc. read some tests wrong and said she had epilepsy. He gave her phenobarbital. Anyways, she turned blue and stopped breathing. Mom ran and got a nurse. The nurse said my sister was fine. In order to get any help she had to go find a doctor and literally grab him by the arm and make him go see my sister. Thankfully he had the brains to realize she was having trouble breathing. They transferred my sister to a different hospital because her condition was too complicated for them to deal with. That hospital sent my sister home three days later. They told my mom she had a perfectly healthy baby girl. Nothing wrong with her. The medicine caused the breathing problems.

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I can't help but get so angry when this happens. '


The doctor came in and isn't much better. But they are starting her on steroids and doing an hour long treatment. That's either going to fix her or open her up enough for them to hear the junk.


I'm just so irate. I feel like I need to take them and say - look at her respiratory rate - crazy high - look at the retractions on her collarbone and her ribs, look at her flaring nostrils. Go read your medical textbooks because those are all signs of respiratory distress.


I was going to suggest that you point out respiratory rate and retractions (not because i thought you wouldn't/hadn't, but because sometimes certain medical personnel need to be hit with mallets), but I see that they're oblivious to obvious enormous red flags. That is so frustrating! I hope they see her distress, and the treatments provide her with relief! :grouphug:

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That's so awful.

Glad you got them to start treatment.

Based on my own experience, it sounds like they are finally taking the right action.


I personally don't wheeze when I have asthma except right when I am coughing. And the peak flow does not show it either. But if a doctor catches me in a coughing fit, it is absolutely unambiguous that I am wheezing like crazy.


Not too many medical people are aware of that particular pattern; even some doctors don't know about that because it is non-standard.

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I am soooo sorry.:grouphug: I can sooo sympathize with you. I have been in an emergency room and had no attention because they are waiting for a car accident to arrive. The Holy Grail of the ER is the car accident. Nothing else matters to those people. Other people suffer horribly waiting for medical attention. I am just sorry.

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ugh, so sorry. I've been to a doctor that actually suggested that since I wasn't wheezing, maybe my breathing issues were from my bra being too tight. Um...no dufus. It didn't all of a sudden shrink, and doesn't loosen when I use an inhaler for heavens sake. It's asthma. Just atypical asthma.

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I am so sorry. I have been through something very similar. This very young ER doctor was going to send my daughter home without treatment. I almost lost it and demanded that she be treated immediately. My daughter very rarely wheezes either. I hope she feels much better now. It is hard enough without medical personnel that don't know what they are doing.




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Hope it all worked out--Did her stats come up quickly?

I don't know why the medical practitioners in this country seem to get such crappy training in asthma. We went thru several years of really poor diagnosing in TX. It's scary, to me, to feel I know more about a medical condition than my Dr.

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