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My mom fell Friday night...

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and broke 3 vertebrae in her neck :crying:. She has osteoporosis and also already had a cast on her foot for a broken leg. She was trying to maneuver with a walker in the bathroom and lost her balance. She is lucky that she is still alive--if the broken vertebrae had hit her spinal cord she wouldn't have been able to breath.


Right now they don't know what to do except put her in a brace and wait for it to hopefully heal. Ideally she would have screws put in to hold it all together, but her bones are too porous and most likely won't hold the screws. She will most likely be in rehab for 3-4 months minimum.


When I was younger I used to think that people like this were so old and not really all there anymore. Mom definitely has all her faculties and has a hard time with not being able to do all she once could.


If you pray, could you? Or send positive healing thoughts?



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I am SOOOO sorry :( That is incredibly scary :( My mom has Osteo.... not the curvature of the spine... can't remember the other half of the Osteo part.... Anyway....


Please note my post count... that I am not a spammer! :) This calcium has been incredible for her. My mom has a good testimony about it, and also my cousin (older) who has a baseline test which was calcium poor and after a while took another test and had a good increase. This is different from other sources of calcium...


My mom has used the company for years for her calcium needs, after everything else failed. She got back her bone density results and instead of another 7% loss.... had a 12% gain!! So, because she trusts them.... and you have to get quality... she uses this place.... The first link is to what the product is... the second is where she purchases it. You get a discount at 6 bottles...




Larry@EzorbCalcium.com His # is 432.689.7272

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Healing thoughts and prayers winging you and your mom's way. My mom has osteoporosis as well as and just had surgery a month or so ago to repair L1 vertebra fracture. She bent the wrong way on a exercise machine so we're making sure she stays off those things now. Just getting back all her energy and strength so understand completely what y'all are going through. *hugs*

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:grouphug::grouphug: My grandmother fell while in the nursing home and broke her neck as well. Due to her age and the poor condition of her bones, the doctors decided against surgery. She had to wear a neck brace for a very long time (3 months??) but eventually her neck was healed enough and strong enough to remove the brace. :grouphug:

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A similar thing happened to my mother when she slipped on ice in front of my house. It was really scary, and we were concerned she'd never be the same again. That was about 8 years ago, and two months ago at age 84 she took a trip to Paris.

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Thanks for all the prayers.


:grouphug::grouphug: My grandmother fell while in the nursing home and broke her neck as well. Due to her age and the poor condition of her bones, the doctors decided against surgery. She had to wear a neck brace for a very long time (3 months??) but eventually her neck was healed enough and strong enough to remove the brace. :grouphug:


A similar thing happened to my mother when she slipped on ice in front of my house. It was really scary, and we were concerned she'd never be the same again. That was about 8 years ago, and two months ago at age 84 she took a trip to Paris.


It's good to hear that she can come through this. She is 81. I hope she is able to keep taking trips in 3 years. She loves to travel :001_smile:. She was supposed to be going to Florida for a trip yesterday.

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I am SOOOO sorry :( That is incredibly scary :( My mom has Osteo.... not the curvature of the spine... can't remember the other half of the Osteo part.... Anyway....


Please note my post count... that I am not a spammer! :) This calcium has been incredible for her. My mom has a good testimony about it, and also my cousin (older) who has a baseline test which was calcium poor and after a while took another test and had a good increase. This is different from other sources of calcium...


My mom has used the company for years for her calcium needs, after everything else failed. She got back her bone density results and instead of another 7% loss.... had a 12% gain!! So, because she trusts them.... and you have to get quality... she uses this place.... The first link is to what the product is... the second is where she purchases it. You get a discount at 6 bottles...




Larry@EzorbCalcium.com His # is 432.689.7272



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