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Need help/advice with ds:(

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My ds is 9. He is a smart, handsome, funny, creative kid. Most of the time he is very sweet and affectionate. He is very responsible and usually willing to help out. However, he is extremely sensitive. He is also an anxious child with perfectionist tendencies. He has never had much control over his emotions. He blows up over very minor things. These outbursts result in crying, screaming, saying things like "I want to punch you in the face", etc. He had never been violent or even hit someone. I thought maybe he would grow out of this. But, he's 9!!! When any little thing doesn't go his way he gets emotionally out of control and irrational. Then, after he's had time to cool off, he will come to us (crying again) and hug us because he feels so bad. He will do this in front of friends and family as well. How can I help him to deal with his frustration better? When we try talking calmly he just continue to cry and yell "NO!". It's actually kind of sad, like he just has no self control. Any tips on getting him to express himself without the automatic tears and yelling. He really is a sweet boy and I know he doesn't want his emotions to get the best of him:(

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I don't have much advie for you, as 2 of mine are like this and they come by it naturally. I will say that ds is now 16, and he is getting much better at dealing w/ anger. Make sure he's getting enough sleep, and when he is calm, talk to him about other ways to handle himself when he gets angry. Role playing can help-give him the words and skills to handle his anger constructively.

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