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Teaching the Classics

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Don't ya just hate it when you have curriculum materials on your shelf that you know you should use and just don't get around to it? Based upon a recommendation here, I bought Teaching the Classics several years ago. And on my shelf it sat ... and sat ... and sat. And for the past 5 years, I have felt increasingly guilty each time I happened to glance upon it.


Well, another mom gave me the idea to just ask people over to watch it with me. I found a lesson plan that could be used with middle-school aged students. So, I invited all the moms and daughters in dd's book club to do this. We are meeting every two weeks, watching the DVD lecture and doing the exercise/discussions ourselves. The first one was today and it turned out great. This one was a bit long and plodding. Had I known better, I would not have made the girls sit through the introduction and the "why literature" sections as they really were addressed to the parents. But, the girls really liked the discussion of Paul Revere's Ride and they are looking forward to the next one.


My guilt has been assuaged. Who knows what I might tackle next?

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