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Can we have an ongoing thread to post fall cooking and crafts?

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Hooray!! Fall is here! :D


This weekend we made a massive batch of crock pot apple butter using this recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/all-day-apple-butter/. I cut the sugar in half and used a mix of 1/2 Granny Smith, 1/2 mix. Soooo yummy!


We made loads of shrunken apple heads. It's the first time we've done this project, and it'll definitely be an annual tradition from now on! We used sculpting tools which made it very easy and much safer than using knives. We looked at a lot of tutorials, here's a few we liked: http://www.marthastewart.com/268080/shrunken-apple-heads



We made our annual dot art owls printed on card stock. using these paints: http://www.amazon.com/Do-A-Dot-Rainbow-Art-Set/dp/B00004W3Y4.


We divided these Martha Stewart ravins between everyone and posted them all over the house:




This fall I'm going to try some recipes from an old William Sonoma Thanksgiving recipe booklet. I've been holding on to this thing forever (haha 2005! Just looked at the date on the back!).

Onion Tarte

brussels sprouts with chestnuts and bacon

spiced cake

I have lots of other cooking plans but I'd like to start here.


So what are your cooking, crafting, activity, poetry study, anything goals this fall? Links are fun and helpful! Photos and updates are appreciated as well. :001_smile:



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So far, we've made pumpkin muffins, apple muffins and hot pretzels in celebration of fall.

My blog has a couple crafts we've done-- simple paper wreaths and autumn peg fairy dolls.


I've also canned 20 pints applesauce. I need to do more- we've already gone through 5!


I'll be back with more ideas and links. I *love* autumn!!

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Apple Brownies from Martha Stewart







Oh, yum, will have to try those! Great idea for a thread. We're going to the orchard later this week and I'll need to figure out what to do with all the apples. I might try my hand at making applesauce or apple butter.


We're not very crafty here... but I did get out all my fall decorations today, finally!! :D

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We've been listening to an Alfred Hitchcock record, Ghost Stories for Young People. We have it on Rhapsody, but you can listen to it on Youtube as well:

(I think it's in 3 parts).


I've now realized they like this kind of listening... maybe I'll have a look around on the Kiddie Records site to see what they have for the season... http://www.kiddierecords.com/

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Apple Brownies from Martha Stewart




This is going on the recipe list.


This looks delicious. I love the free-form look of the frosting.






I also love an brat, onion, and apple bake served with mustard sauce. So easy and delicious.

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One of our favorites is pumpkin and apple bread. That's what I'm baking this weekend...yum! It's really good with some pumpkin butter from the local orchard spread over it.


Last night, we had apple butter pork chops. They were a huge hit!


DH loves when I make caramel apple pie. I always add more caramel than the recipe calls for.


I've also made a booze-soaked pumpkin spice cake, if you're so inclined, and it was amazing.


I've yet to try this pumpkin cheesecake recipe, but it's on my list for this fall.


And we always make butterscotch haystacks, with chow mein noodles and melted butterscotch chips.


Most of the Fall crafts we do are either for Thanksgiving, or the changing seasons in general. We're looking forward to doing leaf rubbings soon, though!

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We've been listening to an Alfred Hitchcock record, Ghost Stories for Young People. We have it on Rhapsody, but you can listen to it on Youtube as well:
(I think it's in 3 parts).


I've now realized they like this kind of listening... maybe I'll have a look around on the Kiddie Records site to see what they have for the season... http://www.kiddierecords.com/


I grew up listening to Alfred Hitchcock's ghost stories. Takes me right back to listening to his record underneath the blankets with my sister.

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We make these often and they are SO good. I have made cream cheese frosting to go on top, too, but they are great without it.





4 Eggs

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup oil

1 15 oz can pumpkin

2 cups flour

2 tsp Baking Powder

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp salt

1 tsp Baking Soda


Combine dry ingredients.

Beat eggs, sugar, oil and pumpkin till fluffy.

Add dry ingredients and mix. Spread on ungreased 15x10x1 pan. Bake at 350 degrees 25-30 min.



(Actually, it usually takes about 35 minutes for mine to cook the times I have made it.)

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We made snickerdoodles last week - dd1's first experience with them - she loved rolling out the cookies! I think we're going to make pumpkin snickerdoodles next month - more Halloween-ish.


Today we made our lanterns for an autumn full moon/Michaelmas harvest celebration we're having with our homeschool group on Sunday. We're doing paper mache with balloons and tissue paper like these: http://pinterest.com/pin/109001253452203749/

We also mod-podged some fall leaves we collected to use for another craft or just hang on our "tree" on the nature table.

We're also going to make these fire breathing dragons for Michaelmas: http://pinterest.com/pin/109001253452106819/


Later this week, we're going to make these squirrel homes: http://thiscosylifeblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/waldorf-inspired-home-school-themes_15.html

We already made the acorn bell necklaces in that post earlier this month :)


and this acorn craft is planned for next week or the week after:



I have this healthy pumpkin pudding recipe saved for next month, too: http://pinterest.com/pin/109001253452420704/


This is my whole autumn pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/plath/autumn/

Edited by plath
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Molasses crinkles:


Cream together 3/4 cup butter or shortening, 1/4 cup molasses, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 egg.

Stir in 2 1/4 cups flour, 2 tsp soda, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp ginger, 1/2 tsp cloves, 1/4 tsp salt (I omit if using salted butter).


cover and refrigerate 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350. Shape rounded teaspoonfuls into balls and dip in granulated sugar. place sugar side up on lightly greased cookie sheet. bake til just set 10 to 12 min.


I usually use white whole wheat flour and butter, they come out fine.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We made snickerdoodles last week - dd1's first experience with them - she loved rolling out the cookies! I think we're going to make pumpkin snickerdoodles next month - more Halloween-ish.


Today we made our lanterns for an autumn full moon/Michaelmas harvest celebration we're having with our homeschool group on Sunday. We're doing paper mache with balloons and tissue paper like these: http://pinterest.com/pin/109001253452203749/

We also mod-podged some fall leaves we collected to use for another craft or just hang on our "tree" on the nature table.

We're also going to make these fire breathing dragons for Michaelmas: http://pinterest.com/pin/109001253452106819/


Later this week, we're going to make these squirrel homes: http://thiscosylifeblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/waldorf-inspired-home-school-themes_15.html

We already made the acorn bell necklaces in that post earlier this month :)


and this acorn craft is planned for next week or the week after:



I have this healthy pumpkin pudding recipe saved for next month, too: http://pinterest.com/pin/109001253452420704/


This is my whole autumn pinterest board: http://pinterest.com/plath/autumn/


Good links! Thank you.

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I adore owls! Great idea. :D


I haven't even thought of baking, but I did decorate our home, and my husband and I redid our fall planter for the front lawn.



We made our annual dot art owls printed on card stock. using these paints: http://www.amazon.com/Do-A-Dot-Rainbow-Art-Set/dp/B00004W3Y4.



So what are your cooking, crafting, activity, poetry study, anything goals this fall? Links are fun and helpful! Photos and updates are appreciated as well. :001_smile:





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Here are some pics of our apple heads! I think I'm going to do some more this weekend. I bought some black dry moss and found some old containers to do arrangements in.


Today we're making baked apples German style. I'm using this bratapfel recipe (with a few changes): http://suite101.com/article/easy-bratapple-recipes-a158327


Dawn, you've inspired me! I'm going to do something festive to my front porch!

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