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My 10yo son's temp is low....??

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My 10yos is complaining today that he's not feeling well. He's had a minor cold for the past two days so I really haven't been worried about it. I took his temperature just to double check and the thermometer read 95.0! Then I took it again and it read 95.6 .


I have no idea what to do with this? Should I do anything with this?




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Sometimes the type of thermometer makes a difference. The ear thermometer I usually use with the kids reads low; I've checked them with it when healthy to have a point of reference. If you're checking orally, are you sure he didn't open his mouth when it was in there?


Have you checked how he feels with your hand? Does he feel cold, or warm, or something in between?

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Your temperature drops when asleep/resting because your body is at rest. Since he's been sick and probably laying around, that's one reason for his temp to be a little lower than normal.


Now, 95 degrees is quite low, but how did you take the temp? Are you sure the thermometer is accurate? Did you try taking your temp with it? Does he feel quite cold to the touch? Is he lethargic?


If he's lethargic, cold to the touch, you took the temp orally and the thermometer reads normal when you take your own temp, then I think you should take him to the doctor asap. Otherwise, call his ped and see what they think.

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The thermometer is an oral digital thermometer. After the first reading, I told him to hold his tongue really still and not move it around. That's when I got the 95.6 reading. He did feel cool to touch when I took his temp, but he's not feeling as cool to the touch now. He's not lethargic, but he's complaining that he feels tired.


I'm trying not to freak out. :tongue_smilie:

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The thermometer is an oral digital thermometer. After the first reading, I told him to hold his tongue really still and not move it around. That's when I got the 95.6 reading. He did feel cool to touch when I took his temp, but he's not feeling as cool to the touch now. He's not lethargic, but he's complaining that he feels tired.


I'm trying not to freak out. :tongue_smilie:


Have him get up, walk around the room a few times, sit there and watch him while you do the thermometer again. Make sure he's holding it where it needs to be. If it is reading 97.7 for you, you say that's normal, but it's still low. Do you have a different thermometer?

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For future reference, my dr. has taken my temp at 94 degrees mid day before. He was concerned but not paniced. He had me get up and move around a bit (I felt fine) and then took it again a bit later when it had worked it's way up to 95 something.


If you are not otherwise in an emergency situation, a temp as low as 94 is not an emergency unless hypothermia is a possibility, the temp is continuing to drop and can't be stablized and they are sure (by more than one measurement and device) that it it in fact that low.


Of course, it is probably a little more of a concern for a child since they have a harder time regulating their temp. A good start would be warm blankets and a warm drink, a hat, socks and mittens while transferring to dr.

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