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Who's doing Coursera Greek Mythology?

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Me! I'm doing world history, mythology, and logic.


I am doing world history right now and have mythology, how things work, how to reason, and modern history on the list coming up.


I quoted you because I was wondering what logic course you are taking. I started the Introduction to Logic course and I, and many others from what I saw and read, hated it. It was poorly presented, had no textbook, and was a very specific kind of logic - propositional - and quite formulaic. The expectations were unclear and the teaching just sort of jumped from place to place and the quizzes didn't seem to have anything to do with the lectures. Your mileage may vary or you may be familiar with this subject already. And maybe they have improved the course since it was one of the very first they offered. Just so everyone knows what they are getting into. (or I am just too dense to understand the material - that is always a possibility :001_smile:)


The world history course is wonderful.

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I quoted you because I was wondering what logic course you are taking. I started the Introduction to Logic course and I, and many others from what I saw and read, hated it. It was poorly presented, had no textbook, and was a very specific kind of logic - propositional - and quite formulaic. The expectations were unclear and the teaching just sort of jumped from place to place and the quizzes didn't seem to have anything to do with the lectures. Your mileage may vary or you may be familiar with this subject already. And maybe they have improved the course since it was one of the very first they offered. Just so everyone knows what they are getting into. (or I am just too dense to understand the material - that is always a possibility :001_smile:)


The world history course is wonderful.


Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one who had trouble with the Introduction to Logic! And good to know that other courses are better than that one, lol. I might try something in the near future, but I can't put any more on my plate at the moment.

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I am doing world history right now and have mythology, how things work, how to reason, and modern history on the list coming up.


I quoted you because I was wondering what logic course you are taking. I started the Introduction to Logic course and I, and many others from what I saw and read, hated it. It was poorly presented, had no textbook, and was a very specific kind of logic - propositional - and quite formulaic. The expectations were unclear and the teaching just sort of jumped from place to place and the quizzes didn't seem to have anything to do with the lectures. Your mileage may vary or you may be familiar with this subject already. And maybe they have improved the course since it was one of the very first they offered. Just so everyone knows what they are getting into. (or I am just too dense to understand the material - that is always a possibility :001_smile:)


The world history course is wonderful.


I watched the intro and was kind of starting to wonder about it. Seems a little dry. I thoughtmit might be an adjunct to dd's Traditional Logic course but maybe not...

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I did the Computer Science one and really enjoyed it. DS will do that one next time it is offered. I have started the World History but may drop that if I get too busy with the Mythology one. I know very little about mythology and want to get a head start before DS covers it next year.


DS hasn't done any Coursera ones yet but he is half way through Udacity's Physics and loving it. The bonus with Udacity is that it is self paced so he is able to do it at half speed. Some of the Coursera ones are 9-12 hours a week and we just can't fit that into his schedule at this point.

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I'm loving Coursera here. I recently started Modern and Contemporary American Poetry, something waaaaay out of my usual literature comfort zone. The time estimate for this particular course is spot-on, if not a little low, but so far it's been a great experience.


I've had to limit myself to only two overlapping courses at any one time for the next several months, as quite a few of the offerings sound extremely interesting. I'll do ModPo and Mythology now, and when those two are over, I'll start two more.


Would anyone be interested in starting up a WTM discussion group on the Mythology class forums once it starts tomorrow?

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I'm not signed up for the Greek Mythology course but I'm considering it. I am signed up for Aboriginal Worldviews and Education in February, Archaeology's Dirty Little Secrets in June, and Animal Behavior (TBA)

I'm signed up for the one in February also and plan on signing up for the one in June. Both are right up my alley!

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I am. It's my first course through Coursera. I'm watching the first set of videos right now. Half the kids are in bed and the other half are busy with Harry Potter ;D


The ONLY reason I didn't sign up for World History is the cost of buying a book.


You know the book is optional, right? (Says the woman who has two because savers happened to have them)

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I am. It's my first course through Coursera. I'm watching the first set of videos right now. Half the kids are in bed and the other half are busy with Harry Potter ;D


The ONLY reason I didn't sign up for World History is the cost of buying a book.


There's also a link to an online version on the class page.

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