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Wee Folk Art vs. FIAR for 4 year old


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Seeing the name Wee Folk Art popping up and thought I'd check out the site. I am so intrigued! I actually thought of tagging it on to all we're doing, but we really already have a full schedule, and besides, it is recommended for ages 4-6, and my younger child is only 3, so it might be a little over my little guy's head, and I would be doing it more for him anyhow. So, I had planned doing FIAR for his preschool core along with Singapore Early Bird Math, HWT Get Set for School, and R&S ABC Series, for next year, when my ds is 4 and dd is in 1st and 6. My dd wil being MFW 1st and both children will continue with La Clase Divertida and some other Spanish supplements which we spend about 15 minutes a day on. So the question is: should I perhaps substitute Wee Folk Art for FIAR as my preschooler's core? I would also want my dd to participate. MFW 1st has no scheduled book list for 1st, so the idea was to substitute this by doing FIAR for both children, so I'm thinking I could substitute Wee Folk Art instead of FIAR, or add Wee Folk art, thus doing both. But would that be crazy, making us sort of the jack of all homeschool stuff without getting to really master either WFA or FIAR?


I haven't used FIAR ever and we're doing BFIAR, and enjoying it, so I thought of just continuing with that, but WFA projects look like a lot of fun and I like the simiplicity of it. Additionally, I love the idea of basing a preschool curriculum on the seasons. Totally fun! I imagine (since I don't have a copy of FIAR) that doing both might compliment each other, since they have books which also are somewhat seasonal, but then I might be a little all over the place: Biblical theme from MFW 1st, FIAR book theme, and WFA themes, too.


Also, if you have experience using WFA, how are you implementing it during, as in, what do you do on what day, how does your week flow, how long do you spend on it per day, and how many days a week do you do it? Also, how much supplementing do you do for a 4 year old and what? Do you use the recommendations? How are you like it.


For FIAR users: How long do you spend on FIAR each day? What supplements do you use for your 4 year old. Regarding vol. 1-3, how much of it has a seasonal flow.


If you have used both, what in you opinion would be a good option for a 4 year old boy (he'll be a young four)?


Anyone using both, and if so, how's that working?


Thanks! Hope for some imput. :)

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We used and loved FIAR when my kids were young. It didn't take up much time. You can do as much or as little as you like each day. There is a chart somewhere online for using FIAR by season. I'll try to find it. For a four year old, I wouldn't add much-only phonics or preschool math at the most.

Edited by freeindeed
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We've done a little FIAR, and we've done a little WFA. Honestly not much of either, but I like them both. We did some of both last year, when Lil'un was 3, and we're doing some this year now that she is 4.


FIAR is easier to have something every day to do, since it has so many options for each book. My kids have found reading the same book every day to be slightly boring, but overall they enjoyed it.


We like WFA better. I love the seasonal part, and the books are fun. Since there are two books every week there is more variety during the week. The craft projects are totally fun, and dd likes them a lot. The field trips make us get out of the house, which is nice. It has a letter-learning component, but we haven't done it since Lil'un knew her letters already. We do some phonics and some math with it.


Good luck!

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For a child 4 years of age FIAR shouldn't take more than 30 mins. That would include the book and the lesson.


I have not used Wee Folk; I have only glanced at it. It looks as precious as it sounds. If you have the money for all of the supplies and field trips I think it would be very fun.


As to how to choose..... Looks like comparing apples to oranges. FIAR covers five subjects (social studies, science, language arts, applied math, and art lessons). Just from glancing at Wee Folk it looks like mostly hands on crafts (which we love!) and field trips.


My thinking is----do both! :D


But when adding MFW1 it may be too much? I really don't know.

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I did WFA loosely with my dd last year when she was 4 and we're doing FIAR (although it's more like 3-4 in a row) this year. I liked WFA at a younger age. It's a really fun curriculum for the seasonal aspect and the activities are great. Personally, I like FIAR much better this year. We tried to row a couple books last year and the discussions were pretty one-sided. She's making more connections now that she's a little older. She's also much more interested in following rabbit trails (like she's become interested in castles and knights after reading The Duchess Bakes a Cake) than she was last year. Granted, my dd does have some language delays so your 4 yo might be able to discuss at a deeper level but I would think the richer discussions take place at a little older age. At age 6, I could see your older dd really enjoying FIAR with your son and getting a lot out of it, too.



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We have, in the past, done FIAR and just used the art/music suggestions from WFA. If I had to choose, I'd probably go with FIAR because it will expose dd to a broader range of ideas and topics. Plus, we have the FIAR cookbook, and I love making the recipes from it each week. :001_smile:

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Thanks for all the feedback!

Susie- I am contemplating both :drool5:

According to the MFW website MFW 1st should take 1 1/2 hrs. a day. So potential schedule would be:

MFW1st: 1 1/2 hrs

Spanish: 15 minutes

Preschool workbooks / preschool toys: 15

FIAR: 30 minutes

WFA: ? (maybe 30 + "special activities like baking, arts & crafts, and Field trip days)


Too much?


Long night moon- thinking about the same thing, ie, my four year old might dI better w/ wee folk art at 4. Right now my ds is doing ok with simple activities w/ BFIAR but if I try to make them more advanced forget it! But dd would be perfect for FIAR and if we start next year we can do vol. 1-3 over the next 2 years where they would both be young enough to enjoy and we'd still have time in our schedule, before the older one starts having a longer school day!


Thanks again! I'm obsessed. :D

Last night I had a dream about Wee Folk Art!

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Although I'm new to homeschooling, your schedule sounds good to me so long as you have breaks. We've had a lot of success doing our 3R's in the morning and doing FIAR in the afternoon or doing it after some time outdoors. We keep it light and fun and both my dd's have enjoyed it.


Best of luck to you. I really don't think you can go wrong with either choice, which is totally not helpful. :lol:

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Have you looked at Before Five in a Row? I think it is great for the 3/4 age. I am actually going to beef it up for my older kids. The books are a lot of fun. I'm part of a facebook group that has a ton of people who are using BFIAR and some who are beefing it up. It may interest you: https://www.facebook.com/groups/217241761735873/

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Have you looked at Before Five in a Row? I think it is great for the 3/4 age. I am actually going to beef it up for my older kids. The books are a lot of fun. I'm part of a facebook group that has a ton of people who are using BFIAR and some who are beefing it up. It may interest you: https://www.facebook.com/groups/217241761735873/


We're using that right now actually :)


But I'll check out the website. Thanks!

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I wanted to chime in...I've never used BFIAR, but I have used WFA.


I started it when my dd was 3.5 years old. She liked it but it fell by the wayside and we just played instead.


I have picked it up again this year to use along with sonlight p4/5 for kindergarten. She understands and really GETS the books and why we are doing the crafts. I love it for kindergarten! And it might have been great when she was 4 years old. It was too much for her at 3 though.



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We have, in the past, done FIAR and just used the art/music suggestions from WFA. If I had to choose, I'd probably go with FIAR because it will expose dd to a broader range of ideas and topics. Plus, we have the FIAR cookbook, and I love making the recipes from it each week. :001_smile:



The cookbook is a must.:)

Some of our fondest memories (and best recipes) came from it.

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I am loosely following Wee Folk Art with my 4 year old daughter and she's loving it. We've done some of the weeks in different order (for example, skipping ahead to the apple books because peak apple season is NOW; saving the farm books for when our homeschool group goes on a big farm field trip next month, etc.) We're also stretching it out and going at a slower page but still keeping the Fairy Poems, the ETC primers, some handwriting instruction, the poetry memorization and the art history book. We already owned lots of toy tractors, a barn and animals. Our activities include park day and a sweet little dance class (weekly) and a preschool co-op with seasonal activities (just twice a month.) All combined I feel like it's been plenty, she's learned a lot and is having a blast.

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I haven't done WFA, but I have looked at it. It is really cute. I am going to try FIAR. I have found so many resources to go with it! We have done one of the BFIAR books while I wait for BFIAR and FIAR to come. Even without the books and just the resources I found we had a ton to do! And we really could have done more! Homeschoolshare.com has a ton or resources - supplemental book lists, lapbooks, and much more. homeschoolcreations.com is another great resource.

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Guest kimofrog

We are using FIAR for my 5 yr old DS and B4FIAR for my 4 year old DD. They both participate in each, and we take 2 weeks to row each one. I think FIAR is a bit advanced for a 4 year old (especially for boys).


ANother option, to stretch the amount of time between B4 and FIAR, is that you can use some of the unit studies suggested on HSS: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/levels.php

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We are using FIAR for my 5 yr old DS and B4FIAR for my 4 year old DD. They both participate in each, and we take 2 weeks to row each one. I think FIAR is a bit advanced for a 4 year old (especially for boys).


ANother option, to stretch the amount of time between B4 and FIAR, is that you can use some of the unit studies suggested on HSS: http://www.homeschoolshare.com/levels.php


I wonder if FIAR would be too much for him, although it'd likely work for dd perfectly!


My ds is a June birthday so on the younger side too!

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I'm very loosely using Wee Folk Art. Basically, I read whatever books my library has available and then we do the craft/activity. My DD4 loves art projects and reading, so she is really enjoying it.


I have no experience with FIAR, but reading the same book over and over drives me batty. :tongue_smilie:

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The cookbook is a must.:)

Some of our fondest memories (and best recipes) came from it.


I am looking at getting the "fancy" spiral bound vol.1-3 w/ Christian supplement for FIAR and the cookbook. Both my kids love cooking and baking with me :).


But, looking at dd's 1st grade material more, I think Wee Folk Art would be a perfect compliment! So, I'm thinking of doing WFA next year with my the preschooler (he'll be 4 then) and 1st grader. Then maybe half of vol. 1-3 the following year (k&2) and the other half the following year (1st&3rd). My dd will be studying US history for 2nd (mfw adventures) and world geography (MFW ECC) for 3rd so that will have a nice flow, too, since I can cover books set in the USA our first year and books around the world the next.


Next year in MFW 1st the science components are an exploring outdoors science theme and nature journal based on observing changes of a certain area you can visit frequently and observe the seasonal changes (will do a local walking trail that takes us to a favorite park and the park, too). But I think it'll be a perfect compliment:001_smile:


I think I just might add more books on the theme though and row the core book and possibly find sone other ideas for activities to toss in to round it out more.


Question on FIAR vol. 1-3:

Do you think a 2nd/3rd grader would still enjoy rowing a FIAR book and doing the activities?

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