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My Hotmail was hacked AGAIN--what should I do?

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I think hotmail is a popular target for such things, more so than other free email providers.


Yes, you should most definitely change your password, preferably to something long that contains letters, numbers, and special characters. You should do that whether you change emails or not.

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I think hotmail is a popular target for such things, more so than other free email providers.


Yes, you should most definitely change your password, preferably to something long that contains letters, numbers, and special characters. You should do that whether you change emails or not.



I usually think of a long sentence and use the first letters and symbols as my password.


"My grandfather Bill was born in San Francisco, CA in 1914." becomes MgBwbiSF,CAi1914.

Edited by *Michelle*
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I have used hotmail since 1997 and never had it hacked.


I would definitely make sure your password is secure. You can find loads of pages of advice on how to make secure passwords. I would also make sure NOT to click on any links in e-mails without confirming with the person in question that they meant to send you a link. And since you HAVE had your email hacked twice now, I would definitely get a new e-mail address. ETA: I'd also make sure 'automatically display attachments' is turned off.

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I don't use hotmail but have a yahoo account which got hacked few times already. I changed my password every time but still got hacked. Eventually, I just transferred all my contacts to my new gmail account. I left my Contacts folder empty now and haven't had any problem since. Now, I use my gmail account for my family and friends and my yahoo account for everything else like signing up for coupons etc.



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