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printable maps of Israels borders


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I was wondering if anyone has links to a site or sites that show a printable map of Israels borders from 1947/48 to current times. I know it's a tough request....I was hoping to make one map and then do overlays of how the borders have changed since the UN partitioning in 1947. Maybe it's not even possible because of all the changes and disputes?




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Well, here's a map from Middle-East-Info.org showing Jerusalem's border changes from 1948-1967. I got it by clicking through from the site's index, which also links to loads of other webpages. And I got there through Google Images, which usually helps me find great maps--restrict your searches to line drawings (I do black and white, too), and search on something like "Israel map 1947."


Of course, this isn't what you asked for, but maybe it's a place to start?

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