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It's the little things that make me love my dh more...


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My dh is an amazing husband. Sometimes I could kill him for his inflexibility because I'm totally spontaneous but he is really fantastic.


It's the little things that make me love him that much more.


I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off the last couple of weeks driving my oldest places, taking my 16yo dd back and forth to driver's ed and all of her volunteer work, taking my 7yo to swimming every week day, once a week soccer practice and weekend soccer games, teaching two Bible studies, etc.


Today I was home for about 20 minutes in between Bible study and taking dd to her first behind the wheel driving lesson only to find my bedroom door locked and closed. None of us have any idea where the key is and I can't get it open otherwise.


I texted dh telling him the door was locked but that I was leaving so it didn't matter other than so that he would know to work on it when he came home tonight.


DD and I cam home from her driving lesson and all I could think about was how I wanted to lie down because the 7 yo got me sick and I'm miserable with a sore throat and horrible cold! Of course, door is locked.


Not 5 minutes later, in walks dh and goes straight to work opening the door for me. It was only 2:30 in the afternoon! He came home from work, spent 5 minutes getting the door unlocked and then went back to the office. Not only that but he is going to bring dinner home on his way home from work so that I don't have to worry about it after swim practice.


I love that guy! :001_wub: And now I can go take a nap!


What little things does your dh do for you that make you feel special?:)

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That was a really nice gesture! You have a great dh.


Our weekdays are wild, and for the past 5 years, most Saturdays have been consumed with theater obligations. So this year we finally have Saturdays free and every week we discuss what to tackle on our Saturday. Last Saturday dh asked what I wanted to do. Told him I knew there were tons of things on our to do list but winter was coming and it's brutal here- no fun to be outside. I was tired from a long week and didn't want to work. So he suggested a daytrip- what fun we had!


He planned it within like ten minutes and the day included my favorite things- antique stores, quilt store, tasty lunch, driving along a scenic route, and even a stop at the store owned by the guys from American Pickers.


I love my dh.

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Wolfie is DEF an acts of service kinda guy.


Today, I was hit by a door (yeah, only in my world. Happened to be standing in front of the door when Diva flung it open, and smacked me a good one. Metal door, not a bedroom one) and RSD went zooming. Wolf had torn apart our bedroom, washing bedding (something pretty impossible for me to make a bed 1 handed) and I crashed on the couch.


He made supper, ran herd on the kids, and has the bedroom put back together. :D

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Not a good night for me to answer that question. I need to :chillpill: and then, later, I might be able to start thinking about answering it. I'm green with envy that I didn't write your post and that I'm not having that kind of a day/evening. I know your Dh was a real blessing to you today.

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The little things are so important... Tonight, I forgot to bring my can of diet pepsi, already cold in the fridge, to church with me. He stopped at a gas station and got me one. Love Wed dinner at church but not the powdered lemonade....

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My dh (whom the OP knows) reads our 3yo all the books I refuse to read her. The ones with speech bubbles. The ones that are best read with lots of weird voices that I just can't do. The ones that are just dumb but somehow got into our library basket anyway.


Tonight he read her a children's cookbook in German. He doesn't speak German, but he did his best.


He can actually do this for hours.

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My dh (whom the OP knows) reads our 3yo all the books I refuse to read her. The ones with speech bubbles. The ones that are best read with lots of weird voices that I just can't do. The ones that are just dumb but somehow got into our library basket anyway.


Tonight he read her a children's cookbook in German. He doesn't speak German, but he did his best.


He can actually do this for hours.


In German? LOL!!


I remember your dh once saying that although he really didn't like playing board games, he would make it a point to play them with your girls because they loved it and it was a way to spend time with them. That's stuck with me through the years since he said it. Such a great and simple picture of putting the needs of others above your own.:)

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I have been feeling really run down and stressed out lately. I am an introvert and always was a very independent person, but I have had no free time or time lately when someone was complaining to me, arguing with me, or criticising me, except for once in a while when I'm working, and that's working, not relaxing. Once in a while work used to send me off on travel assignments, which used to satisfy that need well enough, but they haven't done that in a long time. I mentioned to DH tonight I could really use a night JUST me, going somewhere and doing something with only my own agenda. He said, "OK. Take off Saturday morning, come back Sunday night." I said, "Really? WOW, YES!". I love that guy.

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what a lovely thing! that made me smile..... is his love language service by any chance?


i'm glad you get to lie down; september is wild!



No! That's what makes it even more special!:) His love language is physical touch by a mile! Mine is acts of service. So, he's speaking my love language even though it's not something he would normally think of!


That was a really nice gesture! You have a great dh.


Our weekdays are wild, and for the past 5 years, most Saturdays have been consumed with theater obligations. So this year we finally have Saturdays free and every week we discuss what to tackle on our Saturday. Last Saturday dh asked what I wanted to do. Told him I knew there were tons of things on our to do list but winter was coming and it's brutal here- no fun to be outside. I was tired from a long week and didn't want to work. So he suggested a daytrip- what fun we had!


He planned it within like ten minutes and the day included my favorite things- antique stores, quilt store, tasty lunch, driving along a scenic route, and even a stop at the store owned by the guys from American Pickers.


I love my dh.


That's fantastic! True romance! Being willing to go through antique stores and quilt stores? That scores major points in my book.:)


I totalled the van last year. Dh did not make one negative comment or even an expression of disappointment.


When I say, I should clean the house. He says, why don't you take a nap instead? :)


It's so comforting when my dh keeps quiet when I make a major mistake. I try to offer that to him, too.


My dh gives me the bed on Sunday afternoons all by myself for a long nap. Every Sunday. When I get up I always find him folded practically in half sleeping in a chair. But, he snores and knows that wouldn't make for a nice nap for me so he gives me the bedroom.




I know! Isn't he awesome?;)


W:)onderful husbands are a blessing!


They sure are!:001_wub:

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Wolfie is DEF an acts of service kinda guy.


Today, I was hit by a door (yeah, only in my world. Happened to be standing in front of the door when Diva flung it open, and smacked me a good one. Metal door, not a bedroom one) and RSD went zooming. Wolf had torn apart our bedroom, washing bedding (something pretty impossible for me to make a bed 1 handed) and I crashed on the couch.


He made supper, ran herd on the kids, and has the bedroom put back together. :D


I always think Wolf sounds amazing when you post about him! You've definitely got a keeper there!


Not a good night for me to answer that question. I need to :chillpill: and then, later, I might be able to start thinking about answering it. I'm green with envy that I didn't write your post and that I'm not having that kind of a day/evening. I know your Dh was a real blessing to you today.


:grouphug::grouphug:I hope tomorrow is better! There are definitely days I look at my dh and think "Why did I marry this moron?" ;)


The little things are so important... Tonight, I forgot to bring my can of diet pepsi, already cold in the fridge, to church with me. He stopped at a gas station and got me one. Love Wed dinner at church but not the powdered lemonade....


See...something so simple but just makes your night because you feel special!


My DH makes my coffee every morning and sets it on a mug warmer for me. He does lots of wonderful things, but this is one thing that I especially treasure.


I would love that! Dh isn't a coffee drinker so I don't know that that would ever don on him.;)

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In German? LOL!!


I remember your dh once saying that although he really didn't like playing board games, he would make it a point to play them with your girls because they loved it and it was a way to spend time with them. That's stuck with me through the years since he said it. Such a great and simple picture of putting the needs of others above your own.:)



Bwa ha ha! How funny. I'll tell him you remember that. Playing board games is another thing he does so I don't have to.


Which reminds me: When I told him I was pregnant with #2, he said, "Do you know what this means?" Uhhhhhh...... He went on, "It means that in another four years we'll have to play Candyland again!" :lol:


And yes, in German. Or....something. :tongue_smilie:

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Told me I was sexy when my hair was in curlers covered with a scarf.


So cute! I often wonder if I could possibly look as good as he says I do in my jammies before I even brush my hair. :)


I have been feeling really run down and stressed out lately. I am an introvert and always was a very independent person, but I have had no free time or time lately when someone was complaining to me, arguing with me, or criticising me, except for once in a while when I'm working, and that's working, not relaxing. Once in a while work used to send me off on travel assignments, which used to satisfy that need well enough, but they haven't done that in a long time. I mentioned to DH tonight I could really use a night JUST me, going somewhere and doing something with only my own agenda. He said, "OK. Take off Saturday morning, come back Sunday night." I said, "Really? WOW, YES!". I love that guy.


WOW is right! I hope you have a fantastic and restful time!:grouphug:

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I have been feeling really run down and stressed out lately. I am an introvert and always was a very independent person, but I have had no free time or time lately when someone was complaining to me, arguing with me, or criticising me, except for once in a while when I'm working, and that's working, not relaxing. Once in a while work used to send me off on travel assignments, which used to satisfy that need well enough, but they haven't done that in a long time. I mentioned to DH tonight I could really use a night JUST me, going somewhere and doing something with only my own agenda. He said, "OK. Take off Saturday morning, come back Sunday night." I said, "Really? WOW, YES!". I love that guy.


So...whatcha gonna do???:bigear:

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Aaaawwww!!!!!! That is SO SWEET!!!


So many to list but the first which came to mind is that he knows I hate, hate, HATE mornings and have a very difficult time getting started. Not only does he pay for my little rescue farm to exist, but he does the morning barn chores for me.


MANY times he has had to break into our bedroom for me. :glare:

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I love that he wakes up just to make sure I've got enough covers in the middle of the night because he knows that (despite the fact that I overheat all day) I get cold while I sleep. I especially treasure this because he's a bit of an insomniac and at least 50% of the time this means that it will be an hour or better before he can fall back asleep (if he can fall back asleep). He still does it.

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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Aaaawwww!!!!!! That is SO SWEET!!!


So many to list but the first which came to mind is that he knows I hate, hate, HATE mornings and have a very difficult time getting started. Not only does he pay for my little rescue farm to exist, but he does the morning barn chores for me.


MANY times he has had to break into our bedroom for me.


NOT a morning person here, either! What a sweet thing to do!


I am so jealous of you all. :sad:




That is so sweet. Your husband must work close to where you live? That would be nice.


But I can't complain today. DH is working from home today (which he can only do occasionally) so I can go to a library book sale. Alone. :hurray: It is like my dream day. :auto:


He does work close to where we live! Actually only about a mile. :)


Let us know if you find any treasures at the book sale!


I love that he wakes up just to make sure I've got enough covers in the middle of the night because he knows that (despite the fact that I overheat all day) I get cold while I sleep. I especially treasure this because he's a bit of an insomniac and at least 50% of the time this means that it will be an hour or better before he can fall back asleep (if he can fall back asleep). He still does it.


That is super thoughtful!!:)


Oh, and my dh also did the dishes last night...the ones I'd let stay in the sink after breakfast and lunch. And, he invited me out to lunch today.:)

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So...whatcha gonna do???:bigear:


I don't know exactly and that's half the fun! I think I'm going to go for a drive in the mountains, find a town with a fun quilting or stitching shop, find a hotel and bask in my own head for the night, then get up early (or late, who knows?) and go find some pretty spots to practice some landscape photography. Then come back home and thank DH properly. ;)

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