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Artistic Pursuits for Grade 9

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At the high school level, it teaches how to do art better than anything else I've seen on the market, other than private art lessons which we couldn't afford.


Now for the littles, I understand that there are plenty choices for art lessons these days. By the time my girls hit jr. and sr. high, it was slim pickings. I was happy to have Artistic Pursuits.

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to use in the fall with my middle ds. He is also going to be able to take a few art lessons with an outside class. The books appear to have good content and a teachable format. Percytruffle (Lisa) has given them a thumbs up, and she is an art teacher. I haven't seen her lately on the high school board, but if you have questions you could page her on the general board or pm her.

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I found it to be very easy to use with my son who is marginally interested in art. He didn't find it fantastic but as the year progressed he did see his progress in sketching. I saw a great leap in his skills.


The art prints were all black and white which he didn't like but I think helped with the concepts being presented.


I just asked my son about his thoughts and he said that if you have never used AP before, you might find it a little too much....too many projects with too little direction.


I really liked the Jr High series much better and I don't see why you couldn't use those for high school if you wanted to. I would suggest looking for them at a homeschooling convention just to look at the content and the format and see if it fits your family.


We have used 7 of the AP books in the past and we are going to use the Sr High book 2 next year.


Barb-Harmony Art Mom

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I just purchased the newly revised Jr High books one and two and they are both fabulous.


My best suggestion is to go to their website, peruse the table of contents, and look at the art supplies used.


Artistic Pursuits


Book one uses drawing pencils, and drawing ink for the majority of the art projects. It covers the "elements of art".


Book two uses oil pastels. It covers more about color theory.


I really like both books and if you started with one this year, you could always use the other book next year. I would choose which ever book covered the art concepts you would like to teach and that used the media you were most comfortable with. We had a hard time with the ink section in book one but I know some families loved it.


I don't think these books are too "easy" for a ninth grader....just my opinion.


Barb-Harmony Art Mom

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I've been considering the same. I'd love to know how much time/input is required from me? Can they be done independently? I really enjoy art, so wouldn't mind doing them together but boy multiple kids all needing me for different stuff really cuts into my time, I don't know how those of you with lots of kiddos do it!!

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I think it really depends on the student whether these units can be done independently or not. Our family has a lot of background in art and we have spent a lot of years building up to being comfortable with the art elements.


That being said, I would think that a reasonably motivated 7th grade and older student could complete the AP books on their own. You would need to make sure that the art supplies were in the house but they make a nice list in the front of the book that will tell you what you need to have on hand.


My son, age 14, did the Sr High Book One pretty independently. I mean that he would get the book out, read the lesson and complete the activities. We used the grading rubric supplied in the book as a means of knowing whether he accomplished the assignments or not. The most help he needed from me would be during projects where he couldn't seem to come up with a subject to draw. I would help brainstorm some ideas and then he would go merrily along his way and complete the assignment on his own.


We were never able to complete one unit (lesson) in a sitting or even in a week and have good results. He would start on Mondays with a one hour period and then work again on Fridays for another period of time. We took two weeks to complete each unit. There are 16 units in each book so there was some leeway for taking a week's break or using a week to complete an unfinished assignment if needed.


I sometimes would sit in on his unit and complete the assignment too just for fun. This was always very enjoyable for him when I did that. :)


Hope that helps,

Barb-Harmony Art Mom

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I have been thinking that my boys (recently turned 12 and 14) would even have fun with the K-3 books (1 and 2) I'm getting for my girls, but thought I'd throw the book 1 4-6 in there for them just incase. I know they'd enjoy more color than b&w - would the Jr. High work for them better than the 4-6?


I'm going to have them look at the site and see what they think also. I can't just try a book because we live in Mexico and I have to do all my purchasing at one time and we won't get another chance for a year.

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