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IEW --- which level to start with and theme questions


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You only do one SWI. A is for grades 3-5. I haven't looked above that, since my oldest is grade 3, but the grade levels ate listed in the catalog. There is also a nice graphic somewhere on the site or in the magalog that shows where to start and how to progress, depending on age of child. I'm on my phone, but if no one else links you to it, I'll find it later when I'm on my computer.

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Here is the progression chart.


The levels are based on grades, as boscopup mentioned, or you can base placement on reading level. A 5th grader with a 7th-8th grade reading level may prefer the models used in level B. Each level covers all of the units so you aren't going to miss something by using A and not B. If your student is between 3rd and 5th and is at or around an average reading level I would go with A. You can always find additional models at a lower or higher reading level for extra practice.

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So you only get one of the SWI's at the level they are at? You don't do A, then, B, then C?



Nope...A, then Continuation A or B, then Continuation B. However, after using SWI-A you will probably have a good enough feel of the program to use the TWSS and a Guide - like All Things Fun & Fascinating.

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