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Has anyone ditched MM...


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My son used Math Mammoth for about 2 months before we had to drop it. I completely stopped using a math program with him for about a year. We read living math books and did hands-on problem-solving with Base 10 blocks and Cuisinaire rods.


Have you looked at CLE Math?? They even have an algebra now...I think.

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I switched to MM because I felt that my children didn't understand math concepts very well. They could do the computations if the process was clear to them, but if it was a question that they had to analyze and decide which math processes to use, they couldn't do it. I thought MM would help with that. Wrong. Well, not completely wrong because my analytical kid gets it. He's the one who has always been good at understanding math concepts. The others just got further behind, and I have to admit, sometimes I had to read a question several times before understanding what was required. So, imo, MM really requires abstract thinking skills and some kids just don't develop those until they're older. To answer your question: my 11 yo is sticking with MM, I switched my 7 and 8 yo to CLE because of all the rave reviews, my 13 yo is flying through a Saxon 7/6 book that I had laying around and then will probably do MUS pre-algebra.

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I skipped the part about why I switched. I will say that my dd5th loves MM and it works well for her. But I switched ds4th last year (in third) because he was crying over math and felt stupid. MM moved too quickly for him and, while it does a good job of breaking things down into steps, the steps were not incremental enough for him. He also seems to need a more spiral approach (I have gone back and forth over whether spiral or mastery was better for him).


TT is just easier than MM, and some kids need that.



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It was a horrible fit for DS, too many problems on a page, etc. He uses MUS (he also has ADHD.) It has been great for DD so far. I do not make her do all the problems most of the time, it is a lot of work, and she doesn't like/need all the repetition. She catches on quickly, and has actually skipped whole chapters. Like any curriculum, it is going to depend on the child. :) I have two complete opposites, so I know!

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We did MM last year and just started Singapore this week with my Ker and 1st grader. They love it and so do I! I have MM 1-6 so my 7th grader is using some of the worksheets for extra practice. (He's in PS). MM just seemed too much like a bunch of worksheets and not enough instruction. Singapore seems MUCH more complete.

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We are finishing up MM1B next week and then we will start CLE's 1st grade books. We will most likely speed through much of it but I know there are concepts that my two sons did not pick up from MM.


As a PP said, I think it probably moved a bit too fast for them, even though it does a great job of breaking things down into incremental steps. I also think they most likely need a more spiral approach. One of my sons gets MM most of the time. My other son frequently ends up very frustrated, which can cause fits and "I hate math" kind of feelings.


I personally really like MM and I think it would have been great for me when I was a child. We started out with RSA and I ditched it after trying it twice. I could tell my sons would likely get a very good understanding of math from it but I really hated teaching it. It was just too all-over-the-place for me. So then we tried Singapore, which didn't work for me nor my sons. It was harder for me to figure out how to teach the lessons and the leaps it made were too big for my sons. Then we went to MM and I was in love! Alas, it is not working out for my sons so on to something else. In the past two years, they have done a lot of K and 1st grade math.:tongue_smilie: But I am very hopeful that we will find the right math curriculum for all of us before we get too far so we can hopefully stick with it for a long while.

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We recently switched to CLE from MM after doing MM1B-3B. DD really needed a more spiraling curriculum, she was forgetting basic stuff because MM didn't have enough review. The topics are introduced well and she understood the concepts during the chapter they were in focus, but would forget them a month later. I hope CLE jogs her memory more often to keep all topics in her brain.

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