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But she'll be back in flashbacks - she was in the preview for next week.


I think it's got promise. JJ Abrams. Some nice world-building in the first episode. I liked the twist about the boy.


I just hope it's got an overarching plan. I mean, if they just threw the premise out there without a plan as to WHY the electricity went out, I know I'll be disappointed down the road.

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We watched, enjoyed, and are looking forward to next week.


I hope it's not the next Lost. Despite trying to watch that series three times on DVD, even getting up to the third(!) season, we never got into it and never finished. We just kept thinking, "but so many people like it! Let's keep trying". Silliness :D.

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Lost is a show that I feel greatly betrayed by. The ending ruined all the good things I had enjoyed about it previously. When there was no greater point, it robbed the whole thing of its meaning. That's what I mean about being worried about this one. Have they learned their lesson? But I love Fringe, so it's not like I blame JJ Abrams...

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I watched it. I had been anticipating it and was excited when it began. After about 15 mins I was completely underwhelmed. I am sorry to hear that people are comparing it to Lost because, like a pp, I couldn't get into Lost. I will watch the next couple of episodes and see what happens after that. I may have to find a way to afford Showtime so I can watch the new season of Dexter. ;)

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I watched it - but I think it would make a better movie (or YA book) than a long, drawn out series. Seems to me it will be a season of creeping up on a plot while throwing in a bunch of action and emotional crud to make it last all Fall.....

I honestly had a hard time staying awake for it. But - I'm not much of a tv watcher. This one just piqued my interest.

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I just watched it and couldn't get over the Hunger Games feel. I do appreciate that it's not about cops or lawyers, so I'll keep watching. It felt too clean in a sense. Did her blue spandex top survive for 15 years? It must have been hidining in a closet, it was pretty darn clean. I mean how long did they walk, I missed where they were in the village. A few things were a little too obvious, brought up too much.


The ending reminded me of LOST too much. I wanted to scream at her to enter the numbers. :lol:


I don't know. I like Falling Skies, it's more gritty and there are aliens, but the season finale on it left me blah.


I'm tired of cop and lawyer shows, I like the post-apocalyptic themes. However, I think it's harder to maintain the pace on a TV show beyond the starving, we're fighting for survival, and some bad people are trying to kill us.


I'm hesitant to get into a Abrams show again, although I do like Fringe too. I'm still hurt by the ending of LOST, so I'm not buying into the promise of big ideas that will ultimately lead somewhere. He's going to have to prove himself.


I just finished watching Billy Burke be the bad guy on the Closer. I need to reset my mindset on him.

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Lost is a show that I feel greatly betrayed by. The ending ruined all the good things I had enjoyed about it previously. When there was no greater point, it robbed the whole thing of its meaning. That's what I mean about being worried about this one. Have they learned their lesson? But I love Fringe, so it's not like I blame JJ Abrams...


I have never watched the last two episodes of Lost due to this. I have heard so many mixed reviews of the ending, I decided to not watch it.


DD13 and I have recently started over at the beginning so I will have to decide when we get to it I will will watch them or not. :D

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We watched and liked Revolution. We didn't watch Lost as it was on the air... we watched the first two seasons later on DVD and never finished it, because I heard that by the end everyone was mad, LOL. I also haven't seen or read Hunger Games, so maybe that's why I enjoyed it... fewer comparisons in my head. I think it has potential, and I too hope they have a good plan or backstory in mind for why all this happened.

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We're not planning on watching it because it's on after our bedtime. :P


Do they mention how to power went out? My husband is an electrician and it's making him crazy that they can just lose electricity. The whole earth would be out of whack if there was no longer the ability to make electricity.


There was no explanation. They said something about the day physics went bonkers, or something like that.

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My FIL was excited about this show :)


The comparison to Lost makes me want to watch it! I just watched ALL 6 seasons on Netflix (in oh.. about 2 weeks? if that.)


In my defense, I was home with a new baby & recovering from surgery. Lol. At least that makes me feel better about living on the couch having Lost marathons all day;)

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We're not planning on watching it because it's on after our bedtime. :P


Do they mention how to power went out? My husband is an electrician and it's making him crazy that they can just lose electricity. The whole earth would be out of whack if there was no longer the ability to make electricity.


I must admit. The lack of explanation bugs me also. It's the reason I'll see how the show goes for awhile before we start watching it.

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I liked it and plan to keep watching it. It also reminds me of Lost, which I loved. I guess I'm one of the few that did not feel betrayed by the ending of Lost. I kind of liked it, even though there were so many unanswered questions.


I'm a big fan of Billy Burke. Somebody else mentioned him from "The Closer" where he was a really creepy bad guy. But I also like him as Bella's dad in the Twilight movies, so I can kind of replace "The Closer" image with that. :)

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I didn't like the girl's acting very much and the 'we'll give her a crossbow, so it's not too much like Katniss' is typical of NBC and their knockoffs (TerraNova anyone?!). The boy is eye candy in this world. He's too clean, too muscular and he didn't talk enough to really get a feel for his acting. I did like the uncle's character and of course Billy Burke is a great actor.



:iagree: She wasn't terrible per se, but she was really bland. The doctor character was also really bland to me. I didn't hate TerraNova... but this does also have the "pretty people" vibe that did.


Still, I liked the world building. I'm a sucker for a good premise. The trappings and initial visuals were very Hunger Games, which like I said above, I found bothersome, but other than girl+bow it's completely different, so I can ignore that, I think... assuming it develops some of those characters.

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I wasn't going to watch it because IMO JJ Abrams is a big strike against it. I have never liked how he has ended a show yet. I am just praying they he doesn't screw up Fringe. Anyhow, hubby did want to watch and I guess we will stick with for a few episodes just to see how it goes but lately there have been so many shows that got off to a good start and then got dropped so I don't have high hopes for it.

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I wasn't going to watch it because IMO JJ Abrams is a big strike against it. I have never liked how he has ended a show yet. I am just praying they he doesn't screw up Fringe. Anyhow, hubby did want to watch and I guess we will stick with for a few episodes just to see how it goes but lately there have been so many shows that got off to a good start and then got dropped so I don't have high hopes for it.


You know, that's true. JJ Abrams never has ended a show well. Sigh. Fringe has built sooooooo well. If it's ruined at the end, I'll cry.


We'll always have Walter either way. I loved the characters on LOST, but Walter is something special.


I was trying to think of little things in the show, like the AC/DC shirt the guy was wearing. It hit me earlier today, intentional. :lol:

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It's not the next Lost it is the tv version of the hunger games lol


I watched it online today so had been avoiding this thread up until right now. I liked it the pilot enough but if they don't have some sort of explaination in the next 3 episodes or a bigger plot than just militia vs everyone else it won't make it and will get pulled mid-season.

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I dvr'd it, but I've been looking forward to watching.


We didn't start to watch Lost until we moved there and lived in the same town as most of the actors, and would see them out a fair bit (dd was even in the same choir group as Henry Ian Cusick's son (actor who played Desmond)). Then we realized we must watch it, and got hooked, quick. The ending was not what we were hoping for / expecting. Definitely disappointing (and so many loose ends left hanging).


We LOVE Fringe. One of the best shows ever (in the beginning it had such an X Files feel). I am sad there are only 13 episodes left and I really, really hope they finish it right. It seems too many times there are great ideas for a show and they just don't have a good ending. Sad.


I really liked TerraNova. Until reading this thread, I had no idea it wasn't coming back. That stinks. I hate getting sucked into a show and not having closure. I really liked the idea of going back in time.

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I dvr'd it, but I've been looking forward to watching.


We didn't start to watch Lost until we moved there and lived in the same town as most of the actors, and would see them out a fair bit (dd was even in the same choir group as Henry Ian Cusick's son (actor who played Desmond)). Then we realized we must watch it, and got hooked, quick. The ending was not what we were hoping for / expecting. Definitely disappointing (and so many loose ends left hanging).


We LOVE Fringe. One of the best shows ever (in the beginning it had such an X Files feel). I am sad there are only 13 episodes left and I really, really hope they finish it right. It seems too many times there are great ideas for a show and they just don't have a good ending. Sad.


I really liked TerraNova. Until reading this thread, I had no idea it wasn't coming back. That stinks. I hate getting sucked into a show and not having closure. I really liked the idea of going back in time.


I really liked Terra Nova too! It is really crummy they canceled it. If I remember correctly it had even won awards :confused:

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At least they have a full season to wrap it up. If he screws that up, then I'll be really mad. Some shows never get warning, so you are left hanging forever.


I know in the scheme of things this is no big deal but it really aggravates me when people do that! It is just bad business and shows the public not to even bother with shows.

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We'll always have Walter either way. I loved the characters on LOST, but Walter is something special.


I was trying to think of little things in the show, like the AC/DC shirt the guy was wearing. It hit me earlier today, intentional. :lol:


I love Walter. He is my favorite character ever and I can imagine anything that they could do to make me love him less. I didn't realize how fond I had become of Peter until they took him away. I was so glad that they brought him back.

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Looks like another Lost series to me. Like others, I watched Lost then quickly became dissapointed and stopped watching.

The whole plot of the story is "how" they lost all electronics/electricity. (My DH is an electrician as well) Hence, the pendant. So nobody is going to really know which I would assume, this is what the show wants. Viewers to stay tuned to see why all this happened.

Of course my theory is solar flares.

The show was quite predictable.

I will watch it a few more times and see if it gets any better.

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I watched it on Hulu. I wasn't terribly impressed. It was sort of dull and low-budget, and the acting wasn't great, with the obvious exception of Billy Burke, who I love. I'll probably keep watching, just because I'm a huge fan of any kind of post-apocalyptic anything, but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

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Meh, I don't think we'll be watching it. There's too many inconsistencies right from the get go (if the power went out why were there still lights on the planes as they fell from the sky? Why can't they use steam to power things?)


Lost was great because it didn't have all these little inconsistencies.

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I wasn't too terribly impressed by it. Too many holes. Going from the lights going out to 16 years later without much of an explanation. Guess we'll get it in flashbacks. The fight scene with Miles against all the soldiers was just totally unrealistic and ridiculous. I don't watch too much TV so really picky about what I do watch. I loved Terra Nova. This one - not so much. Won't be continuing.

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Meh, I don't think we'll be watching it. There's too many inconsistencies right from the get go (if the power went out why were there still lights on the planes as they fell from the sky? Why can't they use steam to power things?)


Lost was great because it didn't have all these little inconsistencies.


Exactly. Guess they had to keep the lights on in the planes so we could see them crashing. Plus I don't think airplanes spin out of control and just drop from the sky. Steep dive maybe but suddenly spinning and kerplunk. Nope.

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