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Waldorf curriculums


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What all besides Oak Meadow is out there? I am interested in something that has it all together.


Live-Ed is the most 'Waldorf' homeschool program I know, and is at its best particularly in areas like art where Waldorf most shines.


It is complete as a Waldorf program, except for some parts that no home curriculum can really do well such as eurythmy (a special movement thing that requires special training), and the social aspects of a class. If you want to go Waldorf, I'd check that (Live-Ed) first. And with several children and a program that can be used over and over it may not seem so terribly expensive as compared to programs with consumables.


If your children happen to learn well and have other needs that fit the Waldorf system, then, for you, such a program could be complete. I'd think with very young children (your 4's and down), just Live-Ed alone, or pretty much any of these from what I know of them, would probably be all you need. By 7 you need to be watchful for whether it is or is not going to work in math and reading, and later on, one needs to be watchful about whether it is enough in science and history areas. You may need to supplement in such areas, and may also want to do so to make such a program more multicultural, or for other reasons.



If you are considering Waldorf, it is not a curriculum, but you might also look at Kim John Payne's Simplicity Parenting.


IMO, IME and my $0.02.

Edited by Pen
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I have tried just about all of these and really love Christopherus the best. It has the instruction I need, the traditional approach that I love and enough pictures and examples to help me understand what to do. I love Live Education as well, but agree that it is VERY costly and does not have enough instruction. You can also find great supplemental books at AWSNA.

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