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Comparing Saxon 8/7 and 1/2-how can they both be considered pre-algebra?

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The 1/2 seems quite a bit more advanced-am I wrong? It says on the website that doing 8/7 counts as pre-algebra too, but it seems from the Table of Contents and samples to cover less and less in depth than 1/2.


I think I've read that the 1/2 is there if you don't do as well on 8/7 and need more time. But it seems to me that if you only do 8/7 and then go on to Algebra, it's with less foundation than if you do 1/2.


Can anyone comment on this?



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From what I understand Algebra 1/2 was created for those students who need a little more help/reinforcement with the basic pre-algebra concepts.


Here is what usingsaxon.com says(which pretty much explains it):


"While both the Math 87 and the Algebra textbooks will get the student ready for the Algebra 1 course, the Math 87 book starts off a bit slower with more review, allowing the student to "catch up." The student who then moves successfully through the Math 87 textbook, receiving eighties or better on the last five tests, can then skip the Algebra 1/2 book and move directly to the Algebra 1 textbook.


However, if the student finishes the Math 87 book and the last five test grades reflect difficulty with the material, that student should then be moved into the Algebra 1/2 book to receive another - but different - look at "pre-algebra" before attempting the Algebra 1 course. Students fail algebra because they do not understand fractions, decimals and percents; they fail calculus because they do not understand the basics of algebra."


Most of the kids I know have done 87 and then Algebra 1 and do just fine but it depends on the student.

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This is what Saxon's website says:


What do you recommend for students after they have completed Math 7/6?

The recommended path after finishing Math 7/6 is to take Math 8/7. If your child finishes Math 8/7 with at least 80% mastery, skip ahead to Algebra 1. In previous editions, many people skipped Math 8/7 because they found it to be a weaker text than Algebra ½. In newer editions, pre-algebra content has been added to Math 8/7, making it a much stronger program.




My experience with tutoring Algebra 1/2 and teaching Math 87 to my DD is that there is very little difference conceptually between the two. Math 87 still contains the drills that are dropped in Algebra 1/2. An older child my prefer the "advanced" look to Algebra 1/2.


But the actual answer is that either will prepare a student for Algebra.

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