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When you read a post in which there are abbreviations, do you read the letters of the abbreviation in your mind or do you read the actual word that they stand for? For example, if I wrote something like, "My dh is absolutely wonderful." Would you mentally hear, "My "d" "h" is wonderful" or would you hear the words "dear husband" in your mind? I always hear the words that the abbreviation represent. I would never call my dh "dh" because I still hear it as "dear husband" in my mind, even if I type "dh". Okay, so I'm weird, but which way do you hear it?


I had to stop and think about it. I would say 50/50 depending on the abbreviation. DS, DH, DD, lol, and a few less common ones I think of the letters so "D-H". MIL, SIL, BIL, FIL I think of the terms not the letters so "Mother In Law". I don't know why the difference, but I guess that is just how my brain has them categorized.


It depends on how comfortable I am with the abbreviation. If it is something I have seen a billion times and I know what it means then I just say the letter names. If it is something I am not very familiar with but I still know what it stands for then I tend to say the words. If I don't even know what it stands for then I start trying to gues certain words to see if it fits the context... KWIM?


I either say 'dear hubby' or, just as frequently, 'hubs', since that is what *I* say.

With others, I say what it stands for. I don't just say the letters, in other words.

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