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Follow up Dr. Hive

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Follow up on this post http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/showthread.php?t=423306


My DD went to the dr on Monday and tested positive for strep. She's on antibiotics and the stinky breath is completely gone! I'm glad.


However, they checked her urine and she was dehydrated and her protein was really high-over 500 and apparently it should be under 8? I don't know the measurement scale or whatever. She is going back Wednesday to recheck. Does anyone know about kidney things? The nurse practioner said not to worry until we recheck it, but I've been googling. :glare:


Fwiw, this is my dd who is five. She's also on a anti seizure med that can cause proteinuria.


Help, dr. Hive!

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So weird that you can still get strep without tonsils. I'm glad she's doing better. No help on the high protein, my only experience with it is when I had preeclampsia with DS. Hopefully it's nothing and the repeat test will come back normal. I wonder if her being dehydrated could throw her protein number off.

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So weird that you can still get strep without tonsils. I'm glad she's doing better. No help on the high protein, my only experience with it is when I had preeclampsia with DS. Hopefully it's nothing and the repeat test will come back normal. I wonder if her being dehydrated could throw her protein number off.


They did say dehydration can up protein. I hope that's all it is. :001_unsure: And yes, totally weird that you can get strep with no tonsils! I was really surprised.



I got strep for the first time as an adult; I had my tonsils out when I was 4 or 5yo.:001_huh:


Wow, that must have been unpleasant! I did make my ob give me a strep test, just in case. Fortunately, no one else has it.

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