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How many homeschoolers are in the us?

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Real question. I know that a lot of homeschoolers don't have to register and a lot more operate as a private school so are not "counted" in the quoted Homeschooling statistics. What would your estimate be? I think the 2,000,000 number is low, but I live in a pretty big homeschooling area. I know where I live may not represent the rest of the United States.

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Real question. I know that a lot of homeschoolers don't have to register and a lot more operate as a private school so are not "counted" in the quoted Homeschooling statistics. What would your estimate be? I think the 2,000,000 number is low, but I live in a pretty big homeschooling area. I know where I live may not represent the rest of the United States.


I don't know, but there are enough in just my county to build a school if they all attended. People move to my county for the schools too.

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This article is reviewing a paper which they thought was extremely well done, and the author said, in 2006, at least a million. But the data they mention (and i've seen before) is that there has not been as much growth since 2003 as there was before. However, there sure has been an increase in publicity the last few years, so I wonder if it could be on the upswing again.


You also have to remember that an awful lot of people do put their kids back in school for middle or high school. "37% of homeschooled children go back to school after the first year,"


the line towards the end of this article really got me thinking: " Older children taught at home are about twice as likely to have special needs as are younger homeschoolers. Boys and girls are homeschooled at about the same rate."


My teen is special needs. I hope to get my younger one back in school by high school - so i can get back to work to earn some retirement funds!

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Ill bet the rate of growth slowed dramatically when the economy tanked. I know several families who put the kids backin school when Mom HAD to return to work to keep the house.


OTOH, I know a bunch of folks who started HS when they could no longer afford pricey private schools and/or a parent lost a job so the "opportunity cost" of HS became that much less.

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