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Don Aslett cleaning book..

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... Does anyone have a copy of an old Don Aslett cleaning book? The one with the list of daily/ weekly/ monthy/ quarterly tasks?


I don't remember the name of the exact book.


IF so, could you post or PM me the lists? Please.:D If I remember correctly the lists are rather short and general.


Years ago, I made notecards with those tasks and used that for my major house cleaning. The tasks said something about "clean high" , meaning tops of bookcases and ceiling fans" ; and "clean low" meaning baseboards.


Between home schooling and work with ever increasing hours, Flylady just does not work well for me right now. :001_smile:


Thanks a ton!


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I might have just given it away...I've been cleaning/organizing/decluttering, and decided I didn't need about 5 books on how to clean/organize/declutter. ;)


And by just given it away, I mean, my mom left here about 10 minutes with 3 boxes of books, with my collection of Aslett books inside.

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I don't have it, but is it this one?




The 1992 printing says it has lists in the description. I would assume this one does also, but I could be wrong.


This one looks interesting too.



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Here you go, from Is There Life After Housework?:



Straighten up the whole place

Do all dishes

Wipe counters and range top

make beds

dump kitchen garbage

clean up any spots and spills

hang up all clothes

read and dispose of mail and magazines

praise any cleaning effort


Police any litter or left-behind tools/toys




Vac most-used areas

Do laundry



Vac carpets

Sweep or dustmop hard floors

Damp-mop floors

Dust furniture

Change beds

Spot clean handprints, etc.

wash door glass (HAAA! I do this about ever 6 months!)

Clean mirrors

Clean sinks

Clean showers and tubs

Clean toilets

empty trash


Vac door mats

Sweep porches/patios

haul off trash/junk



Dust woodwork and high/low areas

Catch all cobwebs

vac upholstery

vac drapes/blinds (I do this once a year or two!)

sweep or vac carpet edges

surface carpet cleaning

Rewax heavy traffic areas on waxed floors

damp-wipe seats of chairs

clean out refrigerator

clean kitchen cabinet fronts

clean appliance fronts

wash/disinfect trashcans


wash doormats

sweep/hose walkways/driveway

wash easy-to-reach windows

spot clean doors

sweep garage



Polish furniture (people do this still?)

check and clean or change furnace/ac filters


Twice a Year

Clean oven

Defrost freezer

Degrease stove hood/fan

wash vinyl furniture

turn mattresses

vac air and heat vents

dust tops of tall furniture, rafters, etc.



Strip and rewax floors (I've never done this in my life.)

Wash and dry-sponge walls (Magic Eraser!)

Touch up nicks in wall paint

Clean under and behind things

Wash hard-to-reach windows (or put it off indefinitely - they are HARD to reach!)

Wash or dry clean drapes or curtains

wash window screens

clean light fixtures

wash blinds

wash/clean blankets

shampoo carpet/upholstery


Clean drain gutters

wash exterior of all windows

clean screens/storm doors

clean/sweep chimney


He also says to clean/wash ceilings every several years or so. I don't think this last point was necessary!

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Cool list. Things I'd add or change:



Sweep kitchen floor



Clean toilets



Water plants

Feather dust wall hangings/framed art

Check bathroom supplies



Declutter closets

Vacuum under sofa/chairs



Declutter kitchen cupboard

Vacuum crumbs from kitchen drawers


Twice a Year

Declutter junk drawer(s)

Declutter mudroom



Pull out stove and fridge

Clean top of fridge

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