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Tell me it's ok to drop...

Sue G in PA

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just a FEW things from our schedule? My 12yo is doing HOD Rev to Rev and there is a LOT included. We are also doing a co-op on Fridays where he takes Literature (reads/discusses one book/month), US Geography and Environmental Science. He has significant amounts of homework for co-op (more than I am comfortable with...he is not taking these classes for credit). Tell me it's okay to ditch parts of HOD? Like...the State Study which overlaps with his US Geography at co-op and the Music Appreciation and some of the books he's reading for the History portion? He's overwhelmed. I'm overwhelmed. Thanks.

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Sue, Correct me if I'm wrong but the State Study is optional for HOD Rev to Rev anyway! By all means, make it work for you. We do about half of the suggested writing for science this year in our study. I think one of the most difficult parts of having an inclusive guide to work from is that you feel badly skipping over things or tweaking. HOD is fantastic as long as you give yourself the freedom to do those things. I'd say many people have similar issues who use Sonlight so it's not just for those of us who use HOD who struggle in this perfectly manicured world of curriculum with boxes to check. ;) I'm encouraging you to take a pencil to the State Study box right now and X it out or go ahead and check it with an X so you don't feel guilty that it's an empty square. :)

Edited by Dassah
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Well, Sue, Permission Granted.


I think HOD is REALLY full. Do what you must so that all are working hard at an age/grade/child appropriate level and you are not frazzled.



:iagree: Especially since he also has all the coop work. HOD is wonderful. Don't let it become burdensome. (Spoken by one who has 1 1/2 weeks of HOD under her belt.:D)

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It sounds like it would work to drop those things. I always watch for my kids' saturation points and try not to go over those. Sometimes less is more.


I don't use HOD, but I use Sonlight which also can be over-full at times. I often use time limits to decide what's "reasonable" and what's too much. And in the early years, I did a few SL cores over 2 years, which gave us a nice buffer for extra projects, read-alouds we were interested in, bunny trails and the like--instead of being overfull. I've always liked SL's analogy to a Thanksgiving Banquet, and if HOD is like that too, by all means, feel free not to eat everything!


Merry :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

We love HOD here, but we drop things from time to time --especially extensions we don't have time for and when things are covered in co-op. Sometimes, I just want to do it all and yet there is only so much time, so something has to give and we don't want that something to be our sanity;)


Hope you get things smoothed out nicely.

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